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The Batch Manager (BatchMgr) is used to execute one Profile from within another, and can be viewed as sort of a subroutine call. In StageNow, a Batch setting is used internally (without explicit reference by the staging administrator) to generate barcodes and NFC tags, and to implement execution of the Deployment Section read from a Deployment Server.
A Batch setting also can be used explicitly by a staging administrator to leverage the functionality of one Profile (which can contain any number of settings) from within another. This could be used to create reusable "components" as Profiles that could then be used from other Profiles by embedding or referencing them from a Batch setting. For example, one staging administrator might create and test a Profile to demonstrate and prove that it provides some functionality. This Profile could then be exported as XML or saved as a binary file (e.g. for programming into an NFC tag). The Profile (as XML or binary) could then be embedded into a Batch setting. That Batch setting could then be used by a staging administrator (via "Re-use Saved Setting") in another Profile to perform the entire functionality of the embedded Profile at the point in the created Profile where the Batch setting is placed. The staging administrator using the Batch setting would have no visibility to the Profile that is embedded in that Batch setting but would nonetheless be able to exploit the functionality of that embedded Profile.
A Batch setting also can refer to a file in the device file system that contains a Profile (as either XML or binary) instead of embedding the Profile into the Batch setting. Such usage would require the "batch file" (the file containing the Profile) to be present in the device file system before the Batch setting that references it is executed for the proper result to occur. Such a "batch file" might be transferred to the device using a File setting or through some other "out-of-band" method. The Deployment Section functionality of StageNow is implemented internally and automatically using a combination of File and Batch settings without the need for the staging administrator to explicitly create either a File setting or a Batch setting. But a staging administrator could use such settings to construct more advanced or customized staging deployment scenarios.
Used to select a Batch Action to perform on a device.
Parm Name: BatchAction
Option | Name | Description | Note | Status | Requires |
0 | Do Nothing | This value (or the absense of this parm from the XML) performs no action; any previously selected settings are retained. |
MX: 9.2+ Android API: 26+ |
1 | Execute Batch | Runs the Batch specified in the 'XML Path and File Name' parameter. |
MX: 9.2+ Android API: 26+ |
2 | Turn On Trusted Mode | Activates Trusted Mode, requiring a certificate on the device to perform staging. |
MX: 9.2+ Android API: 26+ |
3 | Turn Off Trusted Mode | Deactivates Trusted Mode, requiring no certificate to perform staging. |
MX: 9.2+ Android API: 26+ |
Used to enter the path and file name of the certificate file (with .cer
extension) on the device when Trusted Mode is used.
Parm value input rules:
extensionShown if: Batch Action is "Turn On Trusted Mode"
Parm Name: TrustedModeCertificateFile
- MX: 9.2+
- Android API: 26+
Used to enter the type of file to be processed.
Parm Name: BatchFileType
Option | Name | Description | Note | Status | Requires |
1 | XML File | The batch file is encoded as XML. |
MX: 4.3+ |
2 | Binary File | The batch file is encoded as binary. |
MX: 4.3+ |
Used to select whether the batch file is available on the device file system or embedded in the XML.
Parm Name: BatchFileAccessMethod
Option | Name | Description | Note | Status | Requires |
2 | File in Device File System | When choosing "Device File System," enter a path and file name on the device where the XML or binary file to be processed will be located. |
MX: 4.3+ |
3 | File Embedded in XML | When choosing "Embedded in XML," select an XML or binary file in the workstation file system. This file is encoded and placed into the Batch setting. |
MX: 4.3+ |
Enter the security password (empty = none) to decrypt the binary batch file.
Shown if: Batch File Type is "Binary" and Require Encodings box is "checked"
Parm Name: BinFilePassword
- MX: 4.3+
Used to enter the path and file name on the device for location of the XML or binary file to be processed.
Note: Path must be a readable/writable location on device.
Shown if: File Access Method is "File in Device File System"
Parm Name: XmlFilePathAndName
- MX: 4.3+
Used to select an XML or binary file in the admin workstation file system to be encoded and placed into the Batch setting.
Shown if: File Access method is embedded in XML
Parm Name: XmlFileData
- MX: 4.3+
Used to enter the type of file to be processed.
Shown if: Batch File Type is "Binary"
Parm Name: BinFileRequireEncodings
Option | Name | Description | Note | Status | Requires |
0 | False (unchecked) | Binary file does not require encoding. |
MX: 4.3+ |
1 | True (checked) | Binary file requires to be encoded. |
MX: 4.3+ |
Used to select whether the file can be examined by the StageNow client and descypted using a private key.
Shown if: Batch File Type is "Binary" and Require Encodings checkbox is checked
Parm Name: RequireOpaque
Option | Name | Description | Note | Status | Requires |
0 | False (unchecked) | Can be examined. |
MX: 4.3+ |
1 | True (checked) | Cannot be examined; can be decrypted only by the StageNow Client using a private key. |
MX: 4.3+ |
Used to select whether the file can be modified and descypted using a public key. Not supported in StageNow 2.0.
Shown if: File Access method is "Batch File Type" and Bin File Require Encodings checkbox is checked
Parm Name: RequireImmutable
Option | Name | Description | Note | Status | Requires |
0 | False (unchecked) | Can be modified. |
MX: 4.3+ |
1 | True (checked) | Cannot be modifed but anyone can decrypt with a public key. |
MX: 4.3+ |
Used to select whether private encryption is required.
Shown if: Batch File Type is "Binary" and Require Encodings checkbox is checked
Parm Name: RequirePrivate
Option | Name | Description | Note | Status | Requires |
0 | False (unchecked) | Private encryption is not required. |
MX: 4.3+ |
1 | True (checked) | Private encryption is required. |
MX: 4.3+ |