To display only the features present on a particular device, select one or more filters from the SmartDocs bar below.
Input fields accept ENGLISH ONLY.
Queries from MX are not supported on Zebra devices running Android 11 or later. See alternative method.
EMDK For Xamarin - 7.0
The "SmartDocs" bar can customize this page to show only the features present on a particular Zebra device.
OSX, MX and Android version information for a device can be found in the Android Settings panel or by querying the device through ADB, EMDK or the MX CSP. More info.
Application Manager (AppMgr) administers the user applications on the device. It can be used to programmatically install, uninstall, upgrade and turn on (or off) the ability to launch an application, all with no need for user interaction. AppMgr also can designate an application as the Default Launcher (invoked when pressing the HOME Key), and can perform other tasks related to the management of applications.
On consumer Android devices, app management generally requires the user to interact with a management UI presented on the device. For corporate scenarios involving management by an Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) system (sometimes referred to as mobile device management, or MDM), user consent or approval might not be desired as they potentially limit a company's ability to fully control the user apps installed on a device. AppMgr provides such control.
When considering the capabilities of AppMgr, it is important to understand the difference between System apps and User apps. System applications are built into the device and always by default. User applications are not built in, and must be installed before use. Some AppMgr functions apply only to System apps, some only to User apps, and some to both. Each function identifies the class of the app(s) to which it applies.
, .apks
, .xapk
and .zip
for package-file ActionsPackage names can vary from one Android version to another.
GMS Restricted Mode: In response to security concerns, Zebra has implemented GMS Restricted Mode, which allows administrators to disable some or all GMS apps deemed "safe to disable" without interfering with normal device operations. See GMS Manager for more information.
Zebra strongly recommends using Secure Storage Manager for on-device file sharing and persistence. SSM provides greater security than the legacy
partition method and aligns with Google's long-term strategy for Android security.
For administrators, Secure Storage Manager processes are similar to those of legacy methods. For example, where the legacy method uses an on-device path for file deployment, SSM employs a URI specific to the sharing app. For complete instructions, see the StageNow guide Using SSM with AppMgr and FileMgr.
The evolving security practices employed by Android have changed the user experience in Android 10 to give greater control to the device user. Such changes could impact the enterprise use cases of Zebra customers. To implement the necessary functionality while maintaining device security, MX 10.0 provides the IT administrator with the ability to silently (without device-user interaction) grant application runtime permissions typically used by remote management systems. For some of the Actions executed by this CSP, including Install and Upgrade, apps must be targeted at Android API level 23 (or newer) to be silently granted runtime permissions on devices running Android 10 or later.
The App Manager allows one or more apps to be added to the Battery Optimization "exemption whitelist." While running, apps on this list prevent the device from entering Doze and App Standby power saving modes, thereby preserving their ability to continue functioning and/or providing services. Doze mode conserves battery power by deferring background CPU and network activities when the device is idle. App Standby defers background network activity for apps with which the user has not recently interacted. By default, all non-system apps are subject to Doze and App Standby modes unless added to the whitelist.
For more information, refer to the Android Developer site.
Virtual keyboards (aka soft input panels) are enabled and disabled by referenceing their package name with the desired AppMgr Action. Some of the most common keyboards are listed below:
Used to enter an Action or app-related setting to perform on the selected app. Actions can apply only to System apps, only to User apps, or to both (as noted in the table below).
Use of the "DisableApplication" option to prevent launch of the Android System Settings app on the device could lead to unwanted system behavior. Zebra recommends using Access Manager's System Settings Access feature to limit or prevent user access to System Settings on a device.
GMS features are supported only on GMS-enabled devices.
See GMS Manager for more information about GMS Restricted Mode.
Note: For Install and Upgrade Actions, apps must be targeted at Android API level 23 (or newer) to be silently granted runtime permission on devices running Android 10 or later.
Parm Name: Action
Used to enter the path and file name of the Android .apk
or other supported file in the device file system from which to perform an app installation or upgrade. In addition to .apk
, some devices support .apks
, .xapk
and .zip
"App Bundle" formats for deploying multiple, device-dependent .apk
files (plus optional app data) bundled as a single file. See Notes below.
file can be used only to Install or Upgrade a User app or to Upgrade a System app..apk
file is by definition a User app since it was not built into the device..apk
file must be signed with the same developer certificate as the app it is intended to upgrade or an error will result..apk
file produced by the same developer that produced the built-in System app. .apks
, .xapk
or .zip
file formats..apk
file(s) and the (optional) corresponding .obb
APK Expansion Files. .apk
MUST contain only a SINGLE base .apk
and all splits must be identical. .apk
and all splits must share the same signing key..obb
files are used, they must be named according to Google Play naming guidelines. Learn more about App Bundle files.
Input value rules:
, .apks
, .xapk
or .zip
file. For example: /enterprise/appmgr/Herald.apk
Note: MX 11.3 or later is required for use of .apks, .xapk and .zip App Bundle files.
Shown if: The Action is "Install" or "Upgrade"
Parm Name: APK
- OSX: 1.0+
- MX: 4.2+
Used to select the condition under which to report a failure and prevent a system Upgrade.
Shown if: The Action is "Upgrade"
Parm Name: FailureMode
Option | Name | Description | Note | Status | Requires |
0 | Do nothing | This value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) will cause no change to the Protected List. |
MX: 11.3+ |
1 | On all errors | Reports an error and halts the Upgrade Action if any error is detected. |
MX: 11.3+ |
2 | Only on Downgrade errors | Reports an error and halts the Upgrade Action only if a Downgrade is detected. |
MX: 11.3+ |
Used to enter the Package Name(s) of one or more applications for the selected Action. Separate multiple Package Names using commas. Package Name(s) must be specified exactly, and can be acquired from the application developer, by extracting the Package Name from the .apk file or by finding it in the device.
If a Package Name is specified incorrectly in a list, all names following that name are ignored.
Package names can vary from one Android version to another.
Input value rules:
.Shown if: The Action is "Uninstall" or "Set as Default Launcher" or "Enable Application" or "Disable Application" or "Clear Application Cache" or "Remove Application User Data" or "Reserve UID" or "Unreserve UID" or "Allow Application Upgrade" or "Disallow Application Upgrade"
Parm Name: Package
- OSX: 1.0,1.3+
- MX: 4.2+
- Android API: 1+
Used to enter the name of the certificate file for signing the application(s) specified in the Package name parameter.
Input value rules:
Shown if: The Protected List Action is "Reserve Application UID"
Parm Name: PackageSignature
- MX: 9.2+
Used to enter the Name of the application for the selected Action.
NOTE: To perform the above listed Actions on an application, the Name of that application can be specified instead of the Package Name. The Name is defined as the name that accompanies the application icon in the Android Launcher, App Drawer or Application Manager. This name also is specified in the
field of thestrings.xml
Input value rules:
field of the strings.xml
file (i.e. "Calculator")Shown if: The Action is "Launch an application"
Parm Name: ApplicationName
- MX: 5.1+
Used to add or remove apps from the Protected List, which allows apps to be exempted from certain constraints.
NOTE: On some devices, protected apps remain on the Recent Apps list after it has been cleared using the "ClearRecentApps" Action.
An app with its Package Name on the Protected List is allowed to:
Status: This feature is discontinued in devices running Android 8.x (Oreo) and later.
Shown if: The Action is "Install" or "Uninstall" or "Upgrade" or "SetDefaultLauncher" or "EnableApplication" or "DisableApplication" or "ClearRecentApps" or "LaunchApplication"
Parm Name: ProtectedListAction
Used to enter the Package Name(s) of the application to add or remove from the Protected List. Separate multiple names using commas. Name(s) must be specified exactly, and can be acquired from the application developer, by extracting the Package Name from the .apk file or by finding it in the device.
If a Package Name is specified incorrectly in a list, all names following that name are ignored.
Package names can vary from one Android version to another.
Input value rules:
Status: This feature is discontinued in devices running Android 8.x (Oreo) and later.
Shown if: The Protected List Action is "Add Application to Protected List" or "Remove Application from Protected List"
Parm Name: ProtectedListPackage
- OSX: 1.2+
- MX: 4.2+
Used to allow blocking of access to App Info for all applications without blocking access to other parts of the Android Settings panel. When disabled, the device user is prevented from using App Info to interfere with the configured set of installed applications.
Since the AppMgr can control which applications are installed, it might be of concern that a device user can use the App Info section of the in-device Android Settings panel to impact an installed application. For example, a device user might terminate (Force Stop) an application, remove application data (Clear Data), or even Uninstall the application completely. If an MDM/EMM system is being used to control the set of installed applications on a device, such user activities might be undesirable.
Compounding the issue, the App Info can be reached from several places in the device UI other than the Android Settings panel. For example, App Info can be reached from the Recent Apps list or from a notification related to the application in the Notification bar.
To prevent device users from using App Info to alter the configured set of installed applications, it might be desirable to prevent the device user from accessing App Info altogether. Of course, AppMgr can be used to disable launching of the System Settings Menu application, prevents access to App Info. But that also prevents access to all other aspects of the Settings panel. A more targeted approach is to block only App Info.
Parm Name: AccessAppInfoAction
Option | Name | Description | Note | Status | Requires |
0 | Do nothing | This value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) causes no changes to device settings; any previously selected setting is retained. |
OSX: 4.2+ MX: 4.2+ |
1 | EnableAccessAllInfo | Enables access to App Info for all applications on the device if access to the Android Settings panel application is enabled. |
OSX: 4.2+ MX: 4.2+ |
2 | DisableAccessAllInfo | Disables access to App Info for all application on the device. |
OSX: 4.2+ MX: 4.2+ |
DO NOT USE THIS PARAMETER if the desired behavior is to ALLOW Doze Mode. On devices running Android 7.x and later, all apps by default allow the device to enter Doze Mode to maximize battery life. Designating one or more apps using this parameter prevents the device from entering Doze Mode whenever those app(s) are in the foreground.
Used to enter one or more apps (by Package Name) to be added to the Battery Optimization "exemption whitelist." While running, apps on this list prevent the device from entering power-saving modes. To enter multiple Package Names, separate with commas. Package Name(s) must be specified exactly, and can be acquired from the application developer, by extracting the Package Name from the .apk file or by identifying it in the device. Doze Mode is controlled using the Power Manager > Doze Mode Usage parameter.
Input value rules:
IMPORTANT: If a name is specified incorrectly in a list, all names following that name are ignored.
Shown if: The Action is "Battery Optimization"
Parm Name: AddPackageNames
- MX: 7.0+
Used to enter one or more apps (by Package Name) to be removed from the Battery Optimization "exemption whitelist." Apps not on list do not prevent the device from entering power-saving modes. To enter multiple Package Names, separate with commas. Package Name(s) must be specified exactly, and can be acquired from the application developer, by extracting the Package Name from the .apk file or by identifying it in the device.
Input value rules:
.Shown if: The Action is "Battery Optimization"
Parm Name: RemovePackageNames
- MX: 7.0+
Used to control access to certain (supported) features on a device.
Shown if: The Action is NOT "Do Nothing"
Parm Name: AppFeature
Option | Name | Description | Note | Status | Requires |
1 | Background Data | Allows the selected app to communicate using background data. |
MX: 9.3+ Android API: 26+ |
2 | Manage App Widgets | Allows app widgets to be created/modified by the device user without a permission pop-up. |
MX: 13.5+ Android API: 34+ |
3 | Launch Application After Install | Causes the selected app to launch automatically after it is installed or upgraded. |
MX: 14.0+ Android API: 33+ |
4 | Launch Application After Reboot | Causes the selected app to launch automatically following any device reboot. |
MX: 14.0+ Android API: 33+ |
This is the On/Off switch for features selected using the App Feature parameter or in the package selected using the App Feature Packages parameter. Selecting "Turn Off" removes the auto-launch setting for all app(s) and/or package(s) configured to launch automatically.
Parm Name: AppFeatureAction
Option | Name | Description | Note | Status | Requires |
0 | Do nothing | This value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) causes no changes to device settings; any previously selected setting is retained. |
MX: 9.3+ Android API: 26+ |
1 | Turn On | Enables the selected feature. |
MX: 9.3+ Android API: 26+ |
2 | Turn Off | Disables the selected feature. |
MX: 9.3+ Android API: 26+ |
Used to enter the name of app package(s) on the device to which to grant or deny permission for the selected feature.
Input value rules:
)Shown if: The Action is NOT "Do Nothing"
Parm Name: AppFeaturePackages
- MX: 13.5+
- Android API: 26+
<!-- Silently install Clock.apk from the /enterprise/usr/persist folder -->
<characteristic version="4.2" type="AppMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="Install" />
<parm name="APK" value="/enterprise/usr/persist/Clock.apk" />
<!-- Silently upgrade Clock.apk from the /enterprise/usr/persist folder -->
<characteristic type="AppMgr" version="4.2" >
<parm name="Action" value="Upgrade"/>
<parm name="APK" value="/enterprise/usr/persist/Clock.apk"/>
<characteristic version="4.2" type="AppMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="DisableApplication" />
<parm name="Package" value="com.mypackagename" />
<characteristic version="4.2" type="AppMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="Uninstall" />
<parm name="Package" value="com.packagename" />
<characteristic version="4.2" type="AppMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="Install" />
<parm name="APK" value="/sdcard/myapp.apk" />
<characteristic version="4.3" type="Intent">
<parm name="Action" value="StartActivity" />
<parm name="ActionName" value="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
<parm name="Package" value="com.mypackage" />
<parm name="Class" value="com.mypackage.myactivity" />
<characteristic type="AppMgr" version="7.0" >
<parm name="Action" value="BatteryOptimization"/>
<parm name="AddPackageNames" value=","/>
// Response from AppMgr CSP on success:
<characteristic type="AppMgr" version="7.0" >
<parm name="Action" value="BatteryOptimization"/>
<parm name="AddPackageNames" value=","/>
<characteristic type="AppMgr" version="7.0" >
<parm name="Action" value="BatteryOptimization"/>
<parm name="RemovePackageNames" value=","/>
// Response from AppMgr CSP on success:
<characteristic type="AppMgr" version="7.0" >
<parm name="Action" value="BatteryOptimization"/>
<parm name="RemovePackageNames" value=","/>
<characteristic type="AppMgr" version="8.0" >
<parm name="Action" value="ClearApplicationCache"/>
<parm name="Package" value="com.symbol.tool.stagenow"/>