Scanner Parameter Config API Guide

EMDK For Android 13.0


This guide explains the use of scanner parameter configuration APIs, interfaces introduced with EMDK-A 9.1 that allow for the setting and retrieval of scanning parameters using Scanner.setParams() and Scanner.getParams() methods. Introduced with EMDK for Android 9.1, these pass-through APIs can be used to set and get scanner parameter configurations in scanning applications.

Zebra strongly recommends using these APIs in favor of the ScannerConfig class, which is deprecated and scheduled to be discontinued in 2022. Zebra will continue to add to the parameters supported by the new APIs.

NOTE: This guide requires a basic knowledge of the use of EMDK-A scanning APIs. If necessary, please become familiar with the guides below before proceeding.

Supported Parameters

Remote Trigger Status

  • Parameter: remote_trigger_status
  • Description: Notifies an app through the Android KeyEvents mechanism of remote trigger presses of a connected Bluetooth scanner as KeyUp and KeyDown events. Scanner must be Enabled to receive the trigger press notifications.
  • Supported values: 0 – Disable, 1 – Enable
  • Supported device(s): WT6300

API Usage

Bundle getParams(Bundle parameters)


Gets the current value of the specified parameter available at the scanner.

Input parameters:

parameters: Bundle with parameter names

Return type:


Return value:

Current value of parameters

Void setParams(Bundle parameters)


Sets the given values to the specified parameters.

Input parameters:

parameters: Bundle with parameter names and values

Sample Code

Set Remote Trigger Status

The following code segment shows how to set the value of the remote_trigger_status parameter using the scanner parameter configuration APIs.

    try {
        // Get scanner config
        Bundle requiredParams = new Bundle();
        Bundle params = scanner.getParams(requiredParams);

        if(params.containsKey("remote_trigger_status")) {
            params.putString("remote_trigger_status", "0");

    } catch (ScannerException e) {

Note: Parameter names should match those from the supported param list.

Get Newly Connected Scanner

Newly connected scanners are sometimes unavailable for selection using device identifiers, making acquisition of scanner parameters impossible. The following code segment shows how to access a newly available scanner using device enumeration.

Use the BarcodeManager.getSupportedDevicesInfo() method first. Then pass one of the received ScannerInfo objects to BarcodeManager.getDevice(ScannerInfo scnInfo) as follows:

    List<ScannerInfo> supportedDevList = barcodeManager.getSupportedDevicesInfo();
    Scanner scanner = null;

    Iterator<ScannerInfo> it = deviceList.iterator();
    while(it.hasNext()) {
        ScannerInfo scnInfo =;
            scanner = barcodeManager.getDevice(scnInfo);


  • If a scanner is connected to a device but does not appear when using an EMDK library, it can be accessed using the device enumeration APIs. Refer to the EMDK Barcode Scanning API Programmer's Guide and EMDK Basic Scanning Tutorial for help enumerating available scanners.
  • If the required scanner is not available under device identifier, try filtering by friendly name or class and scanner type. Alternatively, the device index also can be passed to the getDevice method to get the scanner.

Also See: