UDI Label Scanning Programmer's Guide

EMDK For Android 9.1

UDI NOTE: Support for Unique Device Identifier (UDI) barcodes in devices running Android 10 requires BSP 10.12.13 "Update 17" (or later).

IMPORTANT: Support for SimulScan features has been removed from EMDK for Android 8.0 (and later) for devices running Android 10 (and later).

UDI Label Scanning Feature

The EMDK Barcode API exposes a UDI barcode scanning feature that provides applications with the ability to read UDI Labels from from three issuing agencies, GS1, HIBCC and ICCBBA. This Guide will focus on the UDI Barcode scanning features of the EMDK Barcode APIs, for API details not pertaining to UDI Scannning see the Barcode Scanning API Programmer's Guide.

Enabling UDI Scanning mode

Before an application can scan UDI labels, scanMode must be set to UDI. First get an instance of a scanner object, refer to the Barcode Scanning API Programmer's Guide for instructions on how to initialize a scanner object. Once you have an initialized scanner object, you can then modify the scanner configuration.

Note: UDI scanning is available only with imager-based scanners.

ScannerConfig config = scanner.getConfig();

// Scan Mode set to UDI
config.readerParams.readerSpecific.imagerSpecific.scanMode = ScannerConfig.ScanMode.UDI;


Enabling/Disabling UDI Label Types

By default all UDI types are enabled. If you a wish to disable scanning of a specific UDI type, you can set it's udiParam to false.

ScannerConfig config = scanner.getConfig();

// Just to show that the sub types can be enabled/ disabled
config.udiParams.enableGS1 = true;
config.udiParams.enableHIBCC = false;
config.udiParams.enableICCBBA = false;


Handling Scan Data

Tokenized Scan Data

Data read from a UDI labels contain embedded key/value pairs delimited by characters defined by their UDI type. The Key will be a label ( or Token) that describes the data contained in the Value. The EMDK Barcode APIs will recognize the UDI type and extract the Key/Value pairs into a data structure that can be easily iterated over. When data is returned to your application from a Scan event via the OnData callback, The data will be contained in a ScanDataCollection object. The code snippet below demonstrates how to access the Tokenized UDI data.

if (scanDataCollection.getTokenizedData() != null) {

    for (TokenizedData.Token data : scanDataCollection.getTokenizedData().getTokens()) {

        //The key (or Token) can be retrieved by calling data.getKey()
        //The UDI data associated with that Token and be retrieved by calling data.getData()

        Log.d("UDI","Token: " + data.getKey() + " Data: " + data.getData() );


Raw UDI Data

In some cases the Raw data (UDI data before being Tokenized) from a UDI label might be useful. The code snippet below demonstrates how to access the Raw UDI data from a ScanDataCollection.

for (ScanData data : scanDataCollection.getScanData()) {
    // Log raw data.
    Log.d("UDI", "Data: " + data.getData());

UDI Label Type

The UDI label type recognized by the EMDK Barcode API's is provided as a String, allowing an application easily display the that label type. The code snippet below demonstrates how to access the UDI Label type String.

 Log.d("UDI", "UDI Label Type: " + scanDataCollection.getLabelIdentifier());

Retrieving Data by Token Name

Token Data can also be retrieved by individual Token name. The EMDK API provides the supported Tokens in the TokenizedData.Keys class. The code snippet below demonstrates how to retrieve data by Token Name.
