This sample application shows how the Personal Shopper APIs can be used to interact programmatically with the device cradle.
Android API 22 (or higher) must be installed via the SDK Manager before attempting to load this sample.
Loading the Sample Application
This guide walks through set-up of the EMDK samples in the IDE:
NOTE: The appearance of sample app screens can vary by sample app version, Android version and screen size.
Using This Sample
With the device seated in the cradle, launch the PersonalShopper API sample.
When the application starts it should look like the following:

Press the Fast Charge checkbox to enable/disable fast charging:

Press the Cradle Info button to retrieve information about the cradle, such as the cradle's firmware version:

Press the Diagnostic Info button to retrieve information such as the the device battery capacity:

Press the Cradle Unlock button to unlock the crade and allow the device to be removed:

Press the Cradle Flash LED's button, which will flash the cradle LEDs five times:

Press the Smooth Effect checkbox to enable/disable smoothing effect and then press the Cradle Flash LED's button again. Notice how the LEDs fade in and out, instead of an abrupt on/off state change.