
The TouchMgr adjusts touch-screen sensitivity for different usage scenarios on devices that support sensitivity settings. Touch panel settings can compensate for input with a finger or stylus, when working with gloves or when a screen protector is present.

  • TouchMgr is supported on the following devices:
    • EC30, EC50, EC55
    • ET50, ET51, ET56
    • L10
    • MC20, MC2200, MC2700, MC33, MC33ax, MC3300x, MC93
    • TC21, TC26, TC51, TC52, TC52ax, TC52x, TC55, TC56, TC57, TC57x
    • TC70, TC70x, TC72, TC75, TC75x, TC77
    • TC8000, TC8300
    • VC83

IMPORTANT: Touch-screen sensitivity settings vary by device.

Main Functionality

  • Configure touch panel sensitivity for:
    • A bare finger
    • A stylus or bare finger
    • A gloved or bare finger
    • A stylus or gloved or bare finger
    • Presence of a screen protector

Screen Protectors

Some Zebra devices support the addition of a Screen Protector, a third-party glass or plastic overlay that adheres to the display and further protects it from cracks and scratches without interfering with normal operation. When a supported device group, platform or type is selected using the Device Type parameter, the "Screen Protector" checkbox is displayed and the device is configured to adjust screen sensitivity to compensate for the presence of the protector based on the selected Touch Action (see matrix below).


Device Type

Used to enter the group, platform or type of Zebra devices on which to apply settings for touch-screen sensitivity.

Parm Name: DeviceType

Option Name Description Note Requires
0 Any This value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) applies Touch Mode settings for any and all devices.

MX: 6.2+

1 8960 Applies settings for MC33, MC3300x or MC33ax devices.

MX: 6.2+

2 8000 Applies settings for TC8000, TC8300 or MC20 devices.

MX: 9.1+

3 8956 Applies settings for TC51, TC56, TC70x, or TC75x devices.

MX: 6.2+

4 ET5x Applies settings for ET50 and ET55 devices.

MX: 6.3+

5 SDM660 Applies settings for ET51, ET56, MC93, TC52, TC52ax, TC52x, TC57, TC57x, TC72 or TC77 devices.

MX: 9.1+

6 VC83 Applies settings for VC83 devices.

MX: 9.1+

7 EC30 Applies settings for EC30, EC50, EC55, MC2200, MC2700, TC21 or TC26 devices.

MX: 9.1+

8 L10 Applies settings for L10 tablets.

MX: 10.2+

Touch Actions - Any Device

Used to apply Touch-Mode settings on any supported device in accordance with the touch-screen sensitivity required for an expected usage scenario.

IMPORTANT: Use this parameter only when no device-specific parameter exists for a target device AND ONLY when it is known that touch-screen sensitivity settings are supported on that device. Applying this parameter to a device that does not support touch-screen sensitivity settings results in unpredictable behavior, causes an error or produces no output in the Result XML to indicate failure.

Note: This feature is not supported on the TC8000. Changes to Touch Mode on the TC8000 are supported only manually through the Settings panel on the device.

Shown if: Device Type is set to "Any"

Parm Name: TouchActionAny

Option Name Description Note Requires
0 Do not change This value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) causes no change to the Touch Mode; any previously selected setting is retained.

MX: 6.2+

1 Stylus and Finger Adjusts touch-screen sensitivity for input with a stylus or bare finger.

MX: 6.2+

2 Glove and Finger Adjusts touch-screen sensitivity for input with a bare or gloved finger.

MX: 6.2+

3 Finger Only Adjusts touch-screen sensitivity for input with a bare finger only.

MX: 6.2+

4 Stylus, Glove and Finger Adjusts touch-screen sensitivity for input with a stylus, or bare or gloved finger.

MX: 6.2+

Touch Actions - EC Series

Used to enter the Touch Mode for a specific set of devices in accordance with the touch-screen sensitivity required for an expected usage scenario. This parameter is designed for use with the Zebra EC30 and other EC-series devices.

Shown if: Device Type is set to "EC30"

Parm Name: TouchActionEC30

Option Name Description Note Requires
0 Do not change This value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) causes no change to the Touch Mode; any previously selected setting is retained.

MX: 9.1+

15 Glove and Finger Adjusts touch-screen sensitivity for input with a gloved or bare finger.

MX: 9.1+

16 Finger Only Adjusts touch-screen sensitivity for input with a bare.

MX: 9.1+

Touch Actions - ET50, ET55

Used to enter the Touch Mode for a specific set of devices in accordance with the touch-screen sensitivity required for an expected usage scenario. This parameter is designed for use with Zebra ET50 and ET55 devices.

Shown if: Device Type is set to "ET5x"

Parm Name: TouchActionET5x

Option Name Description Note Requires
0 Do not change This value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) will cause no change to the Touch Mode on a TC8000; any previously selected setting is retained.

MX: 6.3+

7 Finger Only Adjusts touch-screen sensitivity for input with a bare finger.

MX: 6.3+

8 Glove and Finger Adjusts touch-screen sensitivity for input with a bare or gloved finger.

MX: 6.3+

9 Stylus, Glove and Finger Adjusts touch-screen sensitivity for input with a stylus, or bare or gloved finger.

MX: 6.3+

Touch Actions - L10 Tablet

Used to enter the Touch Mode for a specific set of devices in accordance with the touch-screen sensitivity required for an expected usage scenario. This parameter is designed for use with Zebra L10 tablets.

Shown if: Device Type is set to "L10"

Parm Name: TouchActionL10

Option Name Description Note Requires
0 Do not change This value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) causes no change to the Touch Mode; any previously selected setting is retained.

MX: 10.2+

17 Stylus and Finger Adjusts touch-screen sensitivity for input with a stylus or bare finger.

MX: 10.2+

18 Glove and Finger Adjusts touch-screen sensitivity for input with a bare or gloved finger.

MX: 10.2+

19 Finger Adjusts touch-screen sensitivity for input with a bare finger.

MX: 10.2+

Touch Actions - MC Series

Used to enter the Touch Mode for a specific set of devices in accordance with the touch-screen sensitivity required for an expected usage scenario. This parameter is designed for use with the Zebra MC33, MC3300x and some other 8960-based devices.

Shown if: Device Type is set to "8960"

Parm Name: TouchAction

Option Name Description Note Requires
0 Do not change This value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) causes no change to the Touch Mode; any previously selected setting is retained.

MX: 4.2+

1 Stylus and Finger Adjusts touch-screen sensitivity for input with a stylus or bare finger.

MX: 4.2+

2 Glove and Finger Adjusts touch-screen sensitivity for input with a bare or gloved finger.

MX: 4.2+

Touch Actions - SDM660 Series

Used to enter the Touch Mode for a specific set of devices in accordance with the touch-screen sensitivity required for an expected usage scenario. This parameter is designed for use with Zebra ET51, ET56, L10, MC93, TC52, TC57, TC72, TC77 and other SDM660-based devices.

NOTE: On L10 devices, the "Wet" screen sensitivity option is accessible only through the device Settings panel.

Shown if: Device Type is set to "SDM660"

Parm Name: TouchActionSDM660

Option Name Description Note Requires
0 Do not change This value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) causes no change to the Touch Mode; any previously selected setting is retained.

MX: 9.1+

10 Stylus and Finger Adjusts touch-screen sensitivity for input with a stylus or bare finger.

MX: 9.1+

11 Glove and Finger Adjusts touch-screen sensitivity for input with a bare or gloved finger.

MX: 9.1+

12 Finger Adjusts touch-screen sensitivity for input with a bare finger only.

MX: 9.1+

Touch Actions - TC8000 Series

Used to enter the Touch Mode for a specific set of devices in accordance with the touch-screen sensitivity required for an expected usage scenario. This parameter is designed for use with Zebra TC8000, TC8300 and other TC8000-series devices.

Shown if: Device Type is set to "TC8000"

Parm Name: TouchAction8000

Option Name Description Note Requires
0 Do not change This value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) causes no change to device setings; any previously selected setting is retained.

MX: 9.1+

5 Finger Only Adjusts touch-screen sensitivity for input with a bare finger.

MX: 9.1+

6 Stylus, Glove and Finger Adjusts touch-screen sensitivity for input with a stylus, or bare or gloved finger.

MX: 9.1+

Touch Actions - VC Series

Used to enter the Touch Mode for a specific set of devices in accordance with the touch-screen sensitivity required for an expected usage scenario. This parameter is designed for use with Zebra VC83 devices.

Shown if: Device Type is set to "VC83"

Parm Name: TouchActionVC83

Option Name Description Note Requires
0 Do not change This value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) causes no change to the Touch Mode; any previously selected setting is retained.

MX: 9.1+

13 glove and Finger Adjusts touch-screen sensitivity for input with a gloved or bare finger.

MX: 9.1+

14 Finger Only Adjusts touch-screen sensitivity for input with a bare finger.

MX: 9.1+

Touch Actions - 8956 Series

Used to enter the Touch Mode for a specific set of devices in accordance with the touch-screen sensitivity required for an expected usage scenario. This parameter is designed for use with Zebra TC55, TC70, TC75 and other 8956-based devices.

Shown if: Device Type is set to "8956"

Parm Name: TouchAction8956

Option Name Description Note Requires
0 Do not change This value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) causes no change to the Touch Mode; any previously selected setting is retained.

MX: 9.1+

10 Stylus and Finger Adjusts touch-screen sensitivity for input with a stylus or bare finger.

MX: 9.1+

11 Glove and Finger Adjusts touch-screen sensitivity for input with a bare or gloved finger.

MX: 9.1+

Screen Protector (checkbox)

Controls whether screen sensitivity is adjusted to compensate for the presence of a screen protector. Checkbox is displayed only if Screen Protector is supported by the selected Device Type and by the selected Touch Action.

IMPORTANT NOTE: A setting of "false" for this parameter could return an error in EMDK, StageNow and some enterprise mobile management (EMM) systems on devices containing a com.symbol.mxmf.csp.touchmgr CSP version prior to 10.2.3. To configure a setting of "false" on such a device, simply skip this parameter. To display the version number of any CSP on a device, enable "Show System" in Settings -> Apps.

Shown if: The selected Device Type supports a Screen Protector AND the Touch Action supports Protector mode

Parm Name: Protector

Option Name Description Note Requires
false (unchecked) Screen protector not present; sensitivity is not adjusted to compensate. See IMPORTANT NOTE above.

OSX: 6.2+

MX: 6.2+

true (checked) Screen protector is present; sensitivity is adjusted (on devices that support it) to compensate.

OSX: 6.2+

MX: 6.2+