SAM API Programmer's Guide

EMDK For Android 7.4


The EMDK for Android Secure Access Module (SAM) API provides developers with a comprehensive set of tools to easily create secure NFC applications for use with Zebra mobile devices. It's important to note that the EMDK SAM API allows only for secure communication with the NFC tags. The SAMManager is the primary object used to enumerate available SAMs and access SAMs to securely communicate with tags. Applications should use the Android NFC APIs to read standard NFC tags.

Update Android Manifest

1. Add the following permissions in the Android Manifest:

    <uses-permission android:name="com.symbol.emdk.permission.EMDK"/>
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.NFC" />

2. In the manifest's <application> node, add the following line to enable use of EMDK libraries on the device:

    <uses-library android:name="com.symbol.emdk"/>

3. Determine whether NFC is supported by the device by running the following code:

    if (NfcAdapter.getDefaultAdapter(this) == null) { 
        Toast.makeText(this, "NFC Not Supported", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

If NFC is supported, continue to the next step.

Get the SAM Manager

An EMDK Manager object must be acquired before getting the SAM Manager object, and must release the SAM Manager class before quitting. Use the code below to get the SAM Manager:

    samManager = (SAMManager) emdkManager.getInstance(EMDKManager.FEATURE_TYPE.SAM);

Enumerate SAM Objects

The enumerateSAMs() call returns a list of SAM objects present in the device. An empty list indicates that no SAMs are present. Call the enumerateSAMs() method to enumerate the available SAMs in the device:

    List<SAM> samList = null;
    try {
        samList = samManager.enumerateSAMs();
    }catch (SAMException ex){
        Log.d(TAG, SAMResults.getErrorDescription(ex.getResult()));
    if(samList != null && samList.size()>0) {
        SAM sam = samList.get(0);

Using the SAM

To use a SAM, a connection must be made with the SAM. Zebra recommends disconnecting the SAM when communications are concluded.

1. Get SAM type:

    getSAMType() //returns the SAM type (i.e. MIFARE, CALYPSO, FELICA)

    SAMType samType = sam.getSamType();

2. Use the connect() method to connect to a SAM:

    if (!sam.isConnected()) {
        try {
        } catch (SAMException ex) {
            Log.d(TAG, SAMResults.getErrorDescription(ex.getResult()));


  • If another SAM is already connected, connect() throws and exception.
  • The isConnected() method returns the current SAM connection status.
  • Exceptions will be thrown if:
    • The called SAM is already connected with the current application
    • Another SAM connected with the current application
    • A different app is connected to the SAM

Transceive API

The basic unit of communication between an NFC reader and a tag is the Application Protocol Data Unit, or APDU. Use the transceive() method is used to send the APDUs to the SAM.

To send an ADPU:

    byte[] getVersionAPDU = new byte[]{(byte) 0x80, (byte) 0x60, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00,/*(byte)0x00,*/(byte) 0x00};
    byte[] response = null;
    try {
        response = sam.transceive(getVersionAPDU, (short) 0, false);
    } catch (SAMException  ex) {


  • Exceptions will be thrown if:
    • SAM is not connected
    • A SAM is having an active connection by a different application
    • Failure to transceive data

Disconnect SAM

Use the disconnect() method to close the SAM connection. The SAM must be closed after all communications are done. Failure to do so might prevent other apps from using SAM APIs.

To disconnect SAM:

if (sam.isConnected()) {

Get SAM Index

The getSamIndex() method returns the slot index of the SAM starting from 1.

To get the SAM slot index:

int index = sam.getSamIndex();

Detect NFC Tag

The sample code below shows how to use Android NFC APIs to detect an NFC tag and establish a connection with an appropriate SAM using the EMDK SAM API's connect() method.

Sample Code

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements EMDKManager.EMDKListener {


    boolean tagOperationInProgress = false;
    private PendingIntent nfcIntent = null;
    private NfcAdapter nfcAdapter = null;
    private String detectedTag = "";

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


        nfcIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0,
                new Intent(this, this.getClass())
                        .addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP), 0);

    protected void onResume() {


            tagOperationInProgress = false;

        if (nfcAdapter != null) {
            nfcAdapter.enableForegroundDispatch(this, nfcIntent, null, null);

    protected void onPause() {



    protected void onNewIntent(Intent intent) {

    private void tagDetection(Intent intent) {

        tagOperationInProgress = true;

        if(samManager == null) {

        if (NfcAdapter.ACTION_NDEF_DISCOVERED.equals(intent.getAction())
                || NfcAdapter.ACTION_TAG_DISCOVERED.equals(intent.getAction())
                || NfcAdapter.ACTION_TECH_DISCOVERED.equals(intent.getAction())) {

            Tag lTag = intent.getParcelableExtra(NfcAdapter.EXTRA_TAG);
            SAM sam = null;
            SAMType samTypeForTag = null;

            samTypeForTag = findCompatibleSAM(lTag);

            String text = detectedTag + " " + getString(R.string.message_tag_detected) + "\n";

            String compatibeSAMText = "";
            for (Map.Entry<Integer, SAM> entry : presetSAMList.entrySet())
                if(entry.getValue().getSamType() == samTypeForTag)
                    sam = entry.getValue();
                    compatibeSAMText += "\n\t" + sam.getSamType() + "(Slot " + sam.getSamIndex() + ")";
            if(!presetSAMList.isEmpty()) {
                if (!compatibeSAMText.isEmpty()) {

                    text += getString(R.string.message_tag_compatible) + " " + compatibeSAMText;

                     * Connect to the appropriate SAM based on the Tag detected.
                    /** Connect [Start] 
                    try {
                        if (!sam.isConnected()) {
                    } catch (SAMException ex) {
                    /** Connect [End] */

                    /** Transceive [Start]
                    byte[] response = null;
                    try {
                        response = sam.transceive(transceive_apdu_1, (short) 0, false);
                        response = sam.transceive(transceive_apdu_2, (short) 0, false);
                        response = sam.transceive(transceive_apdu_3, (short) 0, false);
                        response = sam.transceive(transceive_apdu_4, (short) 0, false);
                    } catch (SAMException ex) {
                    /**Transceive [End] */

                    /** Disconnect [Start]
                    if (sam.isConnected()) {
                    /** Disconnect [End] */

                } else {
                    text += getString(R.string.message_tag_not_compatible);
    private SAMType findCompatibleSAM(Tag aTag) {

           Refer to link below for documentation describing how to identify 
           card tag type and how to return the matching SAMType