
The Power Key Manager (PowerKeyMgr) controls the functions displayed on the "Power Off" Menu, which appears after long-pressing the power key on the device. Depending on the device, such power-related functions can include Power off, Restart, Airplane Mode, Touch Panel, Safe Mode and other choices.

Zebra Android devices support a Screen Lock Timeout (controlled by the DevAdmin CSP), which controls how long the device screen must remain off before a screen lock will appear when the display screen is turned back on. When the Power Key is used to turn the device off (as opposed letting the screen time-out) a screen lock can be required when the display screen is turned back on, even if the timeout was not reached. The PowerKeyMgr can enable or disable this functionality and control whether the device user can change this functionality using the Android Settings panel.

Note: The PowerKeyMgr controls only those features supported on a given device. Some features disabled using PowerKeyMgr appear "grayed out" on the Power Off menu; others are hidden entirely.

Main Functionality

  • Enable/Disable the following Power Off Menu Options:
    • Airplane Mode
    • Touch Panel
    • Safe Mode
  • Enable/Disable Automatic Screen Lock Settings panel option
  • Enable/Disable "Lock screen instantly with power key" Settings panel option

Airplane Mode Show/Hide

Controls whether the Airplane Mode control is accessible from the Power Off Menu. When a device enters Airplane Mode, its Bluetooth, cellular and Wi-Fi radios are disabled; Bluetooth and Wi-Fi radios can be turned back on if desired by the user.

Parm Name: AirPlaneMode

Option Name Description Requires
0 Do not change This value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) will cause no change to Power Off Menu settings; any previously selected setting will be retained.

OSX: 4.3+

MX: 4.3+

1 Show Menu Option Enables Airplane Mode to be controlled from the Power Off Menu.

OSX: 4.3+

MX: 4.3+

2 Do not show Menu Option Prevents Airplane Mode from being controlled from the Power Off Menu; hides the function on some devices, grays it on others.

OSX: 4.3+

MX: 4.3+

Touch Panel Show/Hide

Controls whether the Touch Panel control is displayed in the Power Off Menu on devices that support this option.

Parm Name: TouchPanel

Option Name Description Requires
0 Do not change This value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) will cause no change to the Power Off Menu; any previously selected setting will be retained.

MX: 5.0+

1 Show Menu Option Enables the Touch Panel to be controlled from the Power Off Menu (if the device supports this option).

MX: 5.0+

2 Do not show Menu Option Prevents the Touch Panel from being controlled from the Power Off Menu (if the device supports this option).

MX: 5.0+

Safe Mode Show/Hide

Controls whether the Safe Mode control is available in the Power Off Menu on devices that support this option. Safe Mode is typically used to perform troubleshooting operations that might be impeded by certain applications or services that would normally start when booting the device normally. Since booting into Safe Mode could render the operation of the device insecure and likely would impact the ability of the device to perform its production functions, it desirable under most circumstances to prevent device users from booting into Safe Mode.

Parm Name: SafeMode

Option Name Description Requires
0 Do not change This value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) will cause no change to the Power Off Menu; any previously selected setting will be retained.

OSX: 4.3+

MX: 4.3+

1 Show Menu Option Enables Safe Mode to be controlled from the Power Off Menu (if the device supports this option).

OSX: 4.3+

MX: 4.3+

2 Do not show Menu Option Prevents Safe Mode from being controlled from the Power Off Menu (if the device supports this option).

OSX: 4.3+

MX: 4.3+

Automatic Screen Lock Show/Hide

Controls whether the device user is allowed to use the option in the Android Settings panel to determine whether the screen always locks when the device screen is turned off using the Power Key. When automatic screen lock is enabled, the lock screen will always appear when turning the screen on after using the power key to turn it off.

Parm Name: AutoScreenLockOption

Option Name Description Requires
0 Do not change This value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) will cause no change to Power Off Menu settings; any previously selected setting will be retained.

OSX: 4.3+

MX: 4.3+

Android API Level: 23+

1 Show Menu Option Enables the Auto Screen Lock option to be controlled from the Android Settings panel.

OSX: 4.3+

MX: 4.3+

Android API Level: 23+

2 Do not show Menu Option Prevents the Auto Screen Lock option from being controlled from the Android Settings panel.

OSX: 4.3+

MX: 4.3+

Android API Level: 23+

Automatic Screen Lock Enable/Disable

This is the On/Off switch for the Android Automatic Screen Lock feature, which can be used to force activation of the screen lock whenever the screen is shut off using the power key. When turned off, the lock screen will not appear when turning the screen on after using the power key to turn it off unless the Screen-lock Timeout Interval was exceeded.

Parm Name: AutoScreenLockState

Option Name Description Requires
0 Do not change This value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) will cause no change to screen lock settings; any previously selected setting will be retained.

OSX: 4.3+

MX: 4.3+

1 Turn on Forces the screen to lock whenever the screen is turned off using the power key.

OSX: 4.3+

MX: 4.3+

2 Turn off Prevents the screen from locking when turned off using the power key unless the Screen-lock Timeout Interval was exceeded.

OSX: 4.3+

MX: 4.3+