Provides list of result codes for ScanAndPair class.
SUCCESS -Success
FAILURE -Operation is failed.
INVALID_OBJECT -The object is not valid.
INVALID_CONFIG -Invalid configuration
INVALID_BLUETOOTH_DEVICE_INFO -Invalid Bluetooth address or name provided
INVALID_PAIRING_PIN -Invalid Pin entered for Bluetooth pairing
BLUETOOTH_NOT_ENABLED -Failure in Bluetooth initialization
BLUETOOTH_DEVICE_DISCOVERY_FAILED -Unable to discover Bluetooth device
BLUETOOTH_SERVICE_DISCOVERY_FAILED -Unable to perform Bluetooth service discovery
DEVICE_NOT_PAIRED -Trying to unpair a Bluetooth device which is not yet paired.
DEVICE_ALREADY_PAIRED -Trying to pair a Bluetooth device which is already paired.
DEVICE_PAIRING_FAILED -Failure in Bluetooth pairing
DEVICE_UNPAIRING_FAILED -Failure in Bluetooth unpairing
PAIRING_TIMEDOUT -Bluetooth pairing timed out
SCANNER_INIT_FAILURE -Error in opening scanner
SCANNER_UNINT_FAILED -Error in closing scanner
SCANNER_NOT_SUPPORTED -Scanner not supported or not available
SCANNER_IN_USE -Scanner is busy in performing some other operation
INVALID_SCANNED_DATA -Invalid scanned data.
SCANNER_READ_FAILED -Error in scanning barcode
PREVIOUS_COMMAND_PENDING -Previously requested command is in progress, wait for it to complete.
INPROGRESS -The operation requested is in progress.