Defines all the error codes the barcode scanning API returns.
SUCCESS -Success.
ALREADY_SCANNING -Scanning in progress.
SCANNER_IN_USE -Cannot enable scanner and is already in use.
VF_ERROR -View finder error.
INVALID_VALUE -The value is invalid.
SCAN_PARAM_NOT_SUPPORTED -Particular parameter not supported.
SCAN_DATA_FAILURE -Unexpected scan data
SCAN_PARAM_READ_ONLY -Read only parameters.
LENGTH_MISMATCH -Decoded barcode does not meet length requirements.
SCANNER_OPERATION_FAILURE -Scanner operation failed.
FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED -The feature is not supported.
SCANNER_NOT_SUPPORTED -Scanner not supported.
FAILURE -Failure
SCANNER_NOT_ENABLED -The scanner device is not enabled.
SCANNER_NOT_CONNECTED -The scanner device is not connected.
SCANNER_TIMED_OUT -The timer out error occurred.
INVALID_OBJECT -The object is not valid.
NO_DATA_LISTENER -Scan read is issued without adding the data listener.
TRIGGER_KEY_REG_FAILED -Failed to register for the hard trigger key notification.
TRIGGER_KEY_IN_USE -Trigger key is already used by other user.
TRIGGER_KEY_UNREG_FAILED -Failed to unRegister for the hard trigger key notification.
SCANNER_INIT_FAILURE -Scanner initialization failed.
SCANNER_DEINIT_FAILURE -Scanner de-initialization failed.
UNDEFINED -Error code not defined.