PD40 Remote Firmware and EMV Param Update

EMDK For Android 4.2


The Payment Manager is a service runs on mobile device which allows querying the information such as firmware/application version and current battery level; updating the firmware, updating EMV parameters and installing font on remote PD40 payment device. The updating EMV parameters and installing font will be supported in the future version. The PD40 payment devices must be paired with mobile device before using the Payment Manager.

The Payment Manager takes the input profile xml, performs the tasks specified in the input profile xml and returns response xml.

Communicating with Payment Service

The application must include the permission to access Payment Manager Service in application’s AndroidManifest.xml as below:

<uses-permission android:name="com.symbol.permission.PAYMENTMGR"/>;

The application must write a code start the Payment Manager Service and this can be achieved in two ways:

  1. Binding Method

  2. Intent Method

Binding Method

The Payment Manager Service exposes an AIDL (Android Interface Definition Language) for the application to communicate Payment Manager Service for querying and updating payment device.

The AIDL interface file name is “IPaymentManager.aidl” and its content is below:

package com.symbol.paymentmgr; 

 interface IPaymentManager {

 String processXML(String profileXml);


The application can bind to Payment Manager Service and when the service is connected, the application can call the processXML method to perform the tasks specified the profile XML.

The Payment Manager Service package name and class details are below:

 String PAYMENT_SERVICE_PACKAG_NAME = "com.symbol.paymentmgr"; 


Code snippet

Intent bindSvcIntent = new Intent();


bindService(bindSvcIntent, paymentMgrServiceConnObj,

IPaymentManager paymentMgr = null;

public class PaymentMgrServiceConn implements ServiceConnection {

public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName name, IBinder service) {

paymentMgr = IPaymentManager .Stub.asInterface(service);

String responseXml = paymentMgr. processXML(profileXml)



public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName name) {



unbindService(this);// Unbind service connection once at the end of
processing or application exit.

Intent Method

The Payment Manager Service exposes intent for the application to communicate Payment Manager Service for querying and updating payment device. The application must the send the profile XML as a part of the intent which starts the service and service will be exited automatically at the end of completion of the tasks specified in the profile.

Intents to start the payment service:

String PAYMENT_SERVICE_PACKAG_NAME = "com.symbol.paymentmgr"; 



Intents to receive the result from the payment service:



Code Snippet:

Start the Payment Service by sending intent to update the PD40 payment device.

Option 1: 

Intent intent = new Intent();




Option 2:      

Intent intent = new Intent();                                                          



Register for the intent to receive result from the payment service:

IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter();


appContext.registerReceiver(broadcastReceiver, filter);

private final BroadcastReceiver broadcastReceiver = new
BroadcastReceiver() {


public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {

(intent.getAction().equals(INTENT_PAYMNT_SERVICE_RESULT)) {

                 String responseString =





unregisterReceiver(broadcastReceiver); //Unregister the intent
receiver at the end.

Payment Manager Profile XML

The Payment Manager Profile allows the system admin application to query the payment device information such as firmware version and battery level, and update Payment Device. These capabilities are grouped together into single XML, what is referred to as Payment Manager Profiles.

Supported Parameters List

Parm NameDescription
DeviceAddressList of PD40 Mac addresses or friendly names separated by “|”. If this value is empty or field doesn’t exists, all paired PD40 devices considered for query and update. Example: <parm name =“DeviceAddress” value=“11:22:33:44:55:66|MPOS-12345667”/>
IsUpgradeOnlyThe supported values are true/false. If this parameter is set to true, the downloading lower or same versions of firmware is not allowed. If this parameter is set to false, device will be updated independent of the version. The default value is true. This is an optional field, applicable only for firmware update and for others it will be ignored. Example: <parm name=“IsUpgradeOnly” value=“false”/>
BatteryLevelThis queries the battery level of the PD40 Payment Device. This is optional field in the XML and is required only to query the PD40 battery level. Example: <parm-query name=“BatteryLevel”> Response: <parm name=“BatteryLevel” Value=“3”> The Battery level response values will be separated by | when queried for multiple devices.
VersionThis returns version of the PD40 firmware and application in the format “F<version>_A<version>”. This is required only to query the version. Example: <parm-query name=“Version”> Response: <parm name=“Version” Value=“F1.09_A1.2.0”> The versions will be separated by | for multiple devices.
DownloadTypeDownload file types are “FIRMWARE”, “EMVPARAM” and “FONT”. This is mandatory to update the device. The EMVPARAM and FONT will be supported in the future version. Example: <parm name=“DownloadType” value=“FIRMWARE”/>
DownloadFileName of the download file and its path. This is mandatory to update the device. The Firmware update file name format must be “D180_F<<version>_A<<version>>.bin or PD40_F<<version>_A<<version>>.bin Example: “D180_F1.07_A1.1.6.bin” The EMV Param update file name may look like emvpara or emvpara_<<n>> or any other name. Example: <parm name=“DownloadFile” value=“/sdcard/D180_F1.07_A1.1.6.bin”/> <parm name=“DownloadFile” value=“/sdcard/emvpara”/>
NumberOfRetriesRe-tries when connection failure or error occurs to update PD40 device. The default value is “1”. The range is 1 to 5. This is optional field in the XML. The Payment Manager will re-try after 500 ms if error any occurs and number of re-tries is greater than 1. Example: <parm name=“ NumberOfRetries” value=“2”/>
MinPaymentDeviceBatteryLevelMinimum Payment Device battery level to start the update process. If this field is not set, the payment device defined default value is used. This is optional field in the XML. Range is 0 to 4. Example: <parm name=“ MinPaymentDeviceBatteryLevel” value=“1”/>
MinMobileDeviceBatteryLevelMinimum Mobile Device battery level to start the update process. If this field is not set, 30% is considered as default. This is optional field in the XML. <parm name=“ MinMobileDeviceBatteryLevel” value=“40”/>

Profile XML input

The profile must contain wap-provisioningdoc as root node, one or more characteristic node with type as PaymentMgr, version value as “0.1”. The version attribute is reserved for future use only. Each characteristic node can have one or more parm or parm-query nodes.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


<!—Sample characteristic node to update firmware -->

<characteristic type=“PaymentMgr” version="0.1" >

< parm name =“DeviceAddress”

<parm name=“DownloadType” value=“FIRMWARE”/>

<parm name=“DownloadFile”


<!—Sample characteristic node to update firmware -->

<characteristic type=“PaymentMgr” version="0.1" >

<parm name =“DeviceAddress” value=“MPOS-12345001”/>

<parm name=“DownloadType” value=“ FIRMWARE”/>

<parm name=“DownloadFile”


<!—Sample characteristic node to query version -->

<characteristic type=“PaymentMgr” version="0.1" >

<parm name =“DeviceAddress” value=“MPOS-12345000”/>

<parm-query name =“Version”/>



Profile XML response

Success Case

The Payment Manager Service returns the xml same as the profile input or updated parm value(in case of query) if the request is processed successfully.

Failure Case

The corresponding characteristic node with failure will be renamed to characteristic-error, desc attribute will be added with the error details. If parm values specified are not valid, the corresponding parm node will be renamed to parm-error and desc attribute will be added with the error details.

If XML characteristic node has multiple devices requests, then desc will have error separated by | in the order of the devices list at the characteristic node desc filed.


If the input xml parm node has:

<parm name =“DeviceAddress” value=“11:22:33:44:55:66|00:00:00:00:99:11|MPOS-12345667”/>

The response xml characteristic node will be like:

characteristic-error type=“PaymentMgr” version="0.1"
desc=“REMOTE_DEVICE_NOT_PAIRED: Bluetooth remote device is not paired
with mobile device.|SUCCESS| REMOTE_DEVICE_BATTERY_LOW: Remote device
has low battery and operation can't be performed.”>

Not Supported Case

If any of the characteristic or parm node names specified is not valid or not supported, the desc attribute will be added with the feature not supported error information.


If the input xml parm node is:

<parm name="TimeZone1" value="GMT+05:30">

The response xml parm node will like:

<parm-error name="TimeZone1" value="GMT+05:30"
desc="FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED:The feature or parameters or its value is
not supported."/>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


<!—Firmware update response -->

<characteristic type=“PaymentMgr” version="0.1" >

< parm name =“DeviceAddress”

<parm name=“DownloadType” value=“FIRMWARE”/>

<parm name=“DownloadFile”


<!— Firmware update response -->

<characteristic-error type=“PaymentMgr” version="0.1"
desc=”REMOTE_DEVICE_NOT_PAIRED:Bluetooth remote device is not
paired with mobile device.”>

< parm name =“DeviceAddress” value=“MPOS-12345001”/>

<parm name=“DownloadType” value=” FIRMWARE”/>

<parm name=“DownloadFile”


<!—Version query response -->

<characteristic type=“PaymentMgr” version="0.1" >

<parm name =“DeviceAddress” value=“MPOS-12345000”/>

< parm name =“Version” value=”F1.09_A1.2.0”/>



Error Codes

Error NameDescription
UNDEFINEDUnknown error occurred
NULL_POINTERNull pointer
INVALID_PROFILE_XMLThe profile xml syntax is incorrect or not supported.
INVALID_VALUEValue is not valid.
BUSYProcessing the other request. Try later...
FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTEDThe feature or parameters or its value is not supported.
REMOTE_DEVICE_NOT_PAIREDBluetooth remote device is not paired with mobile device.
FILE_NOT_EXISTSThe file specified in the profile xml does not exist.
INITIALIZATION_ERRORError occurred during Initialization.
UNINITIALIZATION_ERRORError occurred during un- Initialization.
INVALID_FIRMWARE_FILE_NAME_FORMATThe firmware file name format is invalid
REMOTE_DEVICE_IN_USEThe remote device is used by other application.
FAILED_ENABLE_REMOTE_DEVICEFailed to open connection with remote device.
FAILED_DISABLE_REMOTE_DEVICEFailed to close connection with the remote device.
FAILED_CONNECT_TO_REMOTE_DEVICEFailed to establish Bluetooth connection with remote device.
FIRMWARE_DOWNGRADE_NOT_ALLOWEDDowngrading the Firmware is not allowed. Set isUpgradeOnly=false in profile and try.
REMOTE_DEVICE_BATTERY_LOWRemote device has low battery and operation can't be performed.
MOBILE_DEVICE_BATTERY_LOWMobile device battery level is low and operation can't be performed.
REMOTE_DEVICE_DISCONNECTEDThe remote device is got disconnected from mobile device.
UPDATE_FILE_SIGNATURE_ERRORThe update file signature is not valid.
REMOTE_DEVICE_TIME_OUT_ERRORRemote device timed out during update process. Try again
AUTHENTICATION_FAILEDRemote device failed to authenticate with mobile device.
COMMUNICATION_ERRORError occurred during communication with the remote device.
INCOMPLETE_UPDATE_FILEThe update file is incomplete or incorrect.
UPDATE_FILE_TOO_LARGEThe update file passed is too large for remote device to update.
DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUTThe download file request on payment device is timed out.
BLUETOOTH_OFFBluetooth is OFF on host mobile device.
FILE_VERIFICATION_FAILEDThe download file format is not valid.

Use Cases with Sample XML

This document lists XML format for only few use cases and it does not shows all the possible combinations.

Query PD40 Firmware/Application Version

The application should be able to query the payment device firmware/application versions.

Case 1: Query single payment device version

Input XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


<characteristic type=“PaymentMgr” version="0.1" >

<parm name =“DeviceAddress” value=“MPOS-12345000”/>

<parm-query name =“Version”/>



Response XML (Success Case)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


<characteristic type=“PaymentMgr” version="0.1" >

<parm name =“DeviceAddress” value=“MPOS-12345000”/>

<parm name =“Version” value=”F1.09_A1.2.0”/>



Case 2: Query multiple payment devices version

Input XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


<characteristic type=“PaymentMgr” version="0.1" >

<parm name =“DeviceAddress”
<parm-query name =“Version”/>



Response XML (Success Case)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


<characteristic type=“PaymentMgr” version="0.1" >

<parm name =“DeviceAddress”

<parm name =“Version” value=”F1.09_A1.2.0|F1.09_A1.1.9”/>



Case 3: Query all paired payment devices version

Input XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


<characteristic type=“PaymentMgr” version="0.1" >

<parm-query name =“Version”/>



Response XML (Success Case)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


<characteristic type=“PaymentMgr” version="0.1" >

<parm name =“DeviceAddress”

<parm name =“Version” value=”F1.09_A1.2.0|F1.09_A1.1.9”/>



Query PD40 Battery Level

The application should be able to query the payment device battery level.

Case 1: Query single payment device battery level

Input XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


<characteristic type=“PaymentMgr” version="0.1" >

<parm name =“DeviceAddress” value=“MPOS-12345000”/>

<parm-query name =“BatteryLevel”/>



Response XML (Success Case)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


<characteristic type=“PaymentMgr” version="0.1" >

<parm name =“DeviceAddress” value=“MPOS-12345000”/>

<parm name =“BatteryLevel” value=”2”/>



Case 2: Query multiple payment devices battery level

Input XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


<characteristic type=“PaymentMgr” version="0.1" >

<parm name =“DeviceAddress”

<parm-query name =“BatteryLevel”/>



Response XML (Success Case)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


<characteristic type=“PaymentMgr” version="0.1" >

<parm name =“DeviceAddress” value=“MPOS-12345000|MPOS-123457865”/>

<parm name =“BatteryLevel” value=”1|4”/>



Case 3: Query all paired payment devices levels

Input XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


<characteristic type=“PaymentMgr” version="0.1" >

< parm-query name =“BatteryLevel”/>



Response XML (Success Case)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


<characteristic type=“PaymentMgr” version="0.1" >

<parm name =“DeviceAddress” value=“MPOS-12345000|MPOS-123457865”/>

< parm name =“ BatteryLevel” value=”1|4”/>



Updating PD40 Payment Device Firmware

The application should be able to update the payment device firmware.

Case 1: Updating single payment device firmware

Input XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


<characteristic type=“PaymentMgr” version="0.1" >

<parm name =“DeviceAddress” value=“MPOS-12345000”/>

<parm name=“DownloadType” value=“FIRMWARE”/>

<parm name=“DownloadFile” value=“/sdcard/D180_F1.07_A1.2.0.bin”/>



Response XML (Success Case)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


<characteristic type=“PaymentMgr” version="0.1" >

<parm name =“DeviceAddress” value=“MPOS-12345000”/>
<parm name=“DownloadType” value=“FIRMWARE”/>

<parm name=“DownloadFile” value=“/sdcard/D180_F1.07_A1.2.0.bin”/>



Case 2: Updating multiple payment devices with same firmware.

Input XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


<characteristic type=“PaymentMgr” version="0.1" >

<parm name =“DeviceAddress” value=“MPOS-12345000|MPOS-123457865”/>

<parm name=“DownloadType” value=“FIRMWARE”/>

<parm name=“DownloadFile”



Response XML (Success Case)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


<characteristic type=“PaymentMgr” version="0.1" >

<parm name =“DeviceAddress” value=“MPOS-12345000|MPOS-123457865”/>

<parm name=“DownloadType” value=“FIRMWARE”/>

<parm name=“DownloadFile” value=“/sdcard/D180_F1.07_A1.2.1.bin”/>



Case 3: Updating all paired payment devices with same firmware

Input XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


<characteristic type=“PaymentMgr” version="0.1" >

<parm name=“DownloadType” value=“FIRMWARE”/>

<parm name=“DownloadFile” value=“/sdcard/D180_F1.07_A1.2.1.bin”/>



Response XML (Success Case)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


<characteristic type=“PaymentMgr” version="0.1" >

<parm name=“DownloadType” value=“FIRMWARE”/>

<parm name=“DownloadFile” value=“/sdcard/D180_F1.07_A1.2.1.bin”/>



Case 4: Updating multiple payment devices with different firmware.

Input XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


<characteristic type=“PaymentMgr” version="0.1" >

<parm name =“DeviceAddress” value=“MPOS-12345000|MPOS-123457865”/>

<parm name=“DownloadType” value=“FIRMWARE”/>

<parm name=“DownloadFile” value=“/sdcard/D180_F1.07_A1.2.1.bin”/>


<characteristic type=“PaymentMgr” version="0.1" >

<parm name =“DeviceAddress” value=“MPOS-12345000|MPOS-123457865”/>

<parm name=“DownloadType” value=“FIRMWARE”/>

<parm name=“DownloadFile” value=“/sdcard/D180_F1.07_A1.2.0.bin”/>



Response XML (Success Case)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


<characteristic type=“PaymentMgr” version="0.1" >

<parm name =“DeviceAddress” value=“MPOS-12345000|MPOS-123457865”/>

<parm name=“DownloadType” value=“FIRMWARE”/>

<parm name=“DownloadFile” value=“/sdcard/D180_F1.07_A1.2.1.bin”/>


<characteristic type=“PaymentMgr” version="0.1" >

<parm name =“DeviceAddress” value=“MPOS-12345000|MPOS-123457865”/>

<parm name=“DownloadType” value=“FIRMWARE”/>

<parm name=“DownloadFile” value=“/sdcard/D180_F1.07_A1.2.0.bin”/>



Combination of Query and Firmware Update

Input XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


<characteristic type=“PaymentMgr” version="0.1" >

<parm name =“DeviceAddress”

<parm name=“DownloadType” value=“FIRMWARE”/>

<parm name=“DownloadFile” value=“/sdcard/D180_F1.07_A1.2.1.bin”/>


<characteristic type=“PaymentMgr” version="0.1" >

<parm name =“DeviceAddress” value=“MPOS-12345002|MPOS-123457822”/>

<parm-query name =“Version”/>



Response XML (Success Case)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


<characteristic type=“PaymentMgr” version="0.1" >

<parm name =“DeviceAddress” value=“MPOS-12345000|MPOS-123457865”/>

<parm name=“DownloadType” value=“FIRMWARE”/>

<parm name=“DownloadFile” value=“/sdcard/D180_F1.07_A1.2.1.bin”/>


<characteristic type=“PaymentMgr” version="0.1" >

<parm name =“DeviceAddress” value=“MPOS-12345002|MPOS-123457822”/>

<parm name =“Version” value=”F1.09_A1.2.0| F1.09_A1.1.9”/>



Error Response XML Samples

Example 1:

The response for the profile input XML with

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


<! --Success Node - ->

<characteristic type=“PaymentMgr” version="0.1" >

< parm name =“DeviceAddress” value=“11:22:33:44:55:66”/>

<parm name=“DownloadType” value=“FIRMWARE”/>

<parm name=“DownloadFile”


<! –Update failed Node - ->

<characteristic-error type=“PaymentMgr” version="0.1"
desc=“REMOTE_DEVICE_NOT_PAIRED:Bluetooth remote device is not
paired with mobile device.”>

< parm name =“DeviceAddress” value=“MPOS-12345678”/>

<parm name=“DownloadType” value=“FIRMWARE”/>

<parm name=“DownloadFile”


<! –Invalid parameter Node ->

<characteristic-error type=“PaymentMgr” version="0.1” desc=“INVALID_VALUE: The download type is missing”>

< parm name =“DeviceAddress” value=“ MPOS-12345123”>

<parm -error name=“DownloadType” value=“” desc =“INVALID_VALUE:The download type is missing”/>

<parm name=“DownloadFile” value=“/sdcard/D180_F1.07_A10.5.0.bin”/>



Example 2:

The payment mgr response XML sample with two device successes and one device error for the version query.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


<! –Combination of success and error cases->

<characteristic-error type=“PaymentMgr” version="0.1"

desc=“SUCCESS|FAILED_CONNECT_TO_REMOTE_DEVICE:Failed to establish Bluetooth connection with remote device|SUCCESS”>

<parm name =“DeviceAddress” value=“MPOS-12345678|MPOS-12000002|MPOS-12300001”>

<parm name=“Version” value=“F1.07_A1.1.6||F1.07_A1.2.0/>

