EMDK Mobile Payment Programmers Guide

EMDK For Android 4.2

The EMDK for Android provides developers with a comprehensive set of tools to easily create Payment application for use with the Symbol Technologies, Inc enterprise mobility device and PD40-100 payment device.

Enabling the payment device

The following requirements must satisfy before calling enable method to enable the payment device to do transactions.

  • By default the payment device (PD40-100) is not discoverable. If the user wants to manually pair the PD40 payment with the mobile device, PD40 can be made discoverable by pressing Enter + 9 on the PD40.

    The recommended solution is for developer is to use to scan the barcode available on the backside of PD40 and programmatically pair the PD40 with the mobile device.

  • The payment device (PD40-100) must be paired to the mobile device before using the EMDK Mobile Payment APIs.

  • The application can get payment device object can obtained in the following ways:

    • Using device identifier to use first paired PD40 to the mobile device.

    • Enumerate the paired PD40 payment devices and use its device info

    • Using the device address. Providing friendly name involves Bluetooth device discovery to get the specified Bluetooth device. Establishing connection with payment device using MAC address will be quicker than friendly name.

  • The clients must implement the data listener interface and register for notifications. The status of the enable will be returned through the registered listener.

The application can call other methods only after the successful enabling of the payment device. It recommended that application must call the disable PD40 when the application does not require anymore which will allow other applications can use the payment device if needed.

Payment Device Configuration

The payment device settings can be configured using the PaymentDevice.getConfig and PaymentDevice.setConfig methods. The payment device must be enabled before calling getConfig and setConfig methods. As per the current PD40-100 payment device, all the parameters set are global across different application, but in the future PD40-100 binaries this will be made local to the application which configures the payment device.


The idle message displayed on the payment device can be configured by using idleMessage field in PaymentConfig.


The payment device PD40-100 has the default sleep mode timeout. Bluetooth connection with mobile computer will remain enabled even after PD40 goes to sleep mode.

The application can modify the default sleep mode time. Setting the sleep mode time out zero will turn off the device going to sleep mode. The turning off the sleep mode will consume the some power and the battery will discharge quickly.


When the Encryption is ON, readCardData will return encrypted track2 data for MSR and encrypted tag “57” data for EMV by default. To get the encrypted track1 and track2 data for MSR and encrypted tag “5A” data, getAllEncryptedData flag must be set to true before issuing calls to card data.


By default the PD40-100 payment device returns the data in as clear text. If the payment application want to receive the card data encrypted data, this flag must be set the required encryption type if that encryption is supported by the payment device.

Configuring the Messages Displayed on the Payment Device.

The readCardData and promptPin method has overloaded methods one does not take any message and other provides an option to pass the message which will be displayed on the payment device. The payment application which wants use the default message defined by the payment device can call the method without any message. The payment application which wants to configure the message displayed on the can pass the message which be displayed on the Payment device.

EMV Transaction

For the EMV transaction, the card needs to be inserted until the transaction is completed and removing the inserted card while processing will lead to failure. When the transaction is completed, the payment application must call the removeCard to instruct the user to remove card. Also removeCard wipes out the EMV card data stored the payment device. So it is recommended to call the removeCard at the end of the EMV transaction.


The promptPin API will succeed only if the payment device is injected with debit key. When the promptPin is called, the payment device validates the last four digits of the account number against the previously read card data. The application can pass the maskedPAN returned by readCardData as input to account number in the promptPin.


Gets tag information from the inserted card. If there is no tag passed to D180, then all the TLV data according to predefined getEMVTags table will be returned. Tags Returned from getEMVTags could be found in the GetEMVTags Table.If there is(are) one(more than one) tag(s) passed to D180, then just the specific TLV data will be returned.

Specific tags can be defined in tagIDs as explained in the following.

For example:

ArrayList<String> emvTagData = new ArrayList&lt;String&gt;();



PaymentResults result = paymentDevice.getEmvTags(emvTagData);

GetEMVTags Table

Tag IdentifierDescription
9F41Transaction Sequence Counter from terminal
9F02Amount Authorized
9F03Amount (other) (TIP)
5F36Transaction currency component
9F1BTerminal Floor Limit
9F1CTerminal Identification
9F35Terminal Type
9F1ATerminal Country Code
5F2ATransaction Currency Code
82Application Interchange Profile Indicates the capabilities of the card to support specific functions in the application
9F37Unpredictable Number Value to provide variability and uniqueness to the generation of a cryptogram
9CTransaction Type
9F10Issuer Application Data
84Dedicated File Name
9F09Application Version Number
9F34CVM Cardholder verification Method
9F07Application Usage Control Indicates issuer‘s specified restrictions on the geographic usage and services allowed for the application
9F0DIssuer Action Code-Default
9F0EIssuer Action Code – Denial
9F0FIssuer Action Code – Online
9F33Terminal Capabilities
5F34Application PAN sequence Number
9F39POS Entry Mode
8ECVM List Identifies a method of verification of the cardholder supported by the application
5AApplication Primary Account Number
57Track 2 equivalent
5F20 OR 9F0BCardholder name or Extended
9F1FTrack 2 discretionary data
9F7AVLP process indicator
9F74VLP authorization code


Authorizes the EMV transaction amounts using the inserted chip (EMV) card after processing returns authorized card data in the form of tags.

Tags Returned from authorizeCard

Tag IdentifierDescription
C2Signature Flag Authentication
9BTransaction Status Information
9F27Cryptogram Information Data
8AAuthorization response Code
9F26Cryptogram returned by the ICC in response of the GENERATE AC command
9F36Application Transaction Counter Counter maintained by the application in the ICC (incrementing the ATC is managed by the ICC)
9F1Issuer Application Data


Reads the card data from the PAYMENT device and after processing returns the data in the TLV (Tag length Value) format*. *

Tags returned from ReadCardData

Tag IdentifierDescription
4FApplication Identifier
9F12Application preferred Name
50Application Label
5F30Service Code
5F20Cardholder Name
57Track 2 Equivalent
Primary Account Number
Field Separator (Hex 'D')
Expiration Date (YYMM)
Service Code
Discretionary Data (defined by individual payment systems)
Pad with one Hex 'F' if needed to ensure whole bytes
5AApplication Primary Account Number
5F24Application Expiry Date
5F34Application Primary account Number sequence number
5F25Application Effective Date

For ReadMode.ALL mode, The D180 will fall back to swipe mode if the card inserted is not supported by payment device. Fallback to swipe is not supported for read modes like INSERT only and SWIPE only.

If encryption type RSA is set using setConfig API, ReadCardData with ReadMode.MANUAL mode returns the card data only if RSA Encryption key is injected into the D180.


Completes an online EMV transaction for PIN management.

Tags set through completeOnlineEMV

Tag IdentifierDescription
91Issuer Authentication Data. Optional tag, if issuer authentication data is returned by host
71/72Issuer Script. Optional tag, if issuer script is returned by host
8AHost Authorization Response Code
89Host Authorization Code. Optional tag

Behavior of EMDK Payment API when the PD40-100 displays Bluetooth connection status on its screen.

The user can use key combination specified in the PD40 manual to see the PD40 Bluetooth connection status. When this happens, PD40 shows the Bluetooth connection status on its displayed and while this status is displayed on the PD40 screen, calling payment API will result in communication error.

Behavior of re-enabling the PD40 immediately disabling

The application enables the PD40-100 and does the transaction, then disables the PD40-100. When applications requests EMDK to disable the connection with the PD40-100 by disable method, the disable method will be returned as soon it closes the Bluetooth socket connection. But Bluetooth stack is internally might take few seconds to free-up the resources associated with the established connection.

While this is happening, if the application tries to re-enable the payment device, it might lead to connection error.

To overcome this error, the application either wait for few seconds or register the BluetoothDevice.ACTION_ACL_DISCONNECTED intents or the EMDK PaymentManager connection listener to receive notification of the Bluetooth stack is successfully disconnected.

Choosing Payment Device:

This section describes how can the application access the payment device and enable it to do trasnaction.

Case 1: Payment Device Type supported (Such as PD40), choose payment device by friendly name.

List<DeviceInfo>; supportedList =

PaymentDevice device = null;

If(!supportedList.isEmpty()) {

device = paymentManager.getDevice(friendlyname,false);


} else {



Case 2: Multiple Payment Devices are paired and required payment device does not exist in the list.

List<DeviceInfo> pairedDevList =

PaymentDevice device = null;

If(!pairedDevList.isEmpty()) {

//Traverse on the list of paired device and check if the required
device exists in the list.

 If(required device not in the paired list) {

//Use scan and pair API to pair the device, or required device is not
 already paired.

 // device = paymentManager.getDevice(friendly name, false);

 device = paymentManager.getDevice(macAddress, true);




Case 3: Multiple Payment Devices are paired and choose payment device from paired device list.

If the multiple payment devices are paired, the application can enumerate the list of paired devices and selects the required payment device. If the payment device is paired, but not in range or switched will result in the connection error during the enable.

 List<DeviceInfo> pairedDevList =

 PaymentDevice device = null;

 If(!pairedDevList.isEmpty()) {

 device = paymentManager.getDevice((pairedDevList.get(1));


 } else {

 // No Payment devices paired


Case 4: Multiple Payment Devices are paired and chooses the default device. The default device is the device which is first available in the Bluetooth device paired list. If the device is paired, but not in range or switched-off, then it will give connection error.

PaymentDevice device =


Case 5: Multiple Payment Devices are paired and chooses the first available PD40 device.

PaymentDevice device =


*Case 6: Multiple Payment Devices are paired and chooses the device using mac address or friendly name. *

PaymentDevice device = paymentManager.getDevice(“<mac
address>>”, true);


 PaymentDevice device = paymentManager.getDevice(“<friendly
 name>>;”, false);


Case 6: Multiple payment devices are paired and set the mac address/friendly name via interface config

PaymentDevice device = paymentManager.getDevice(DEFAULT);

 InterfaceConfig interfaceConfig = paymentDevice.getInterfaceConfig();

interfaceConfig.deviceName = "MPOS-64627969";

