APDU Service errors
SUCCESS -Success
INIT_FAILURE -The SAM is not initialized properly.
INVALID_OBJECT -Invalid Object
INVALID_VALUE -Invalid input parameter
NFC_DISABLED -NFC is disabled on the device. Try enabling the NFC before using the secure NFC API.
FRAMING_ERROR -Error in the frame.
BAD_NAD -Bad NAD error
CARD_DEACTIVATED -The smart card is deactivated.
CARD_MUTED -The smart card is muted during the T=1 exchange.
PROCESSING_CHAIN_ABORTED -The smart card processing chain aborted during transmission and reception.
CMD_FRAME_LOST -Atleast one command frame is lost while processing the APDU.
NOT_ENABLED -The connection to SAM is not established.
SAM_NOT_AVAILABLE -SAM not present in the device. Try inserting SAM before using the Secure NFC API.
LENGTH_TOO_SHORT -The length is too short occurs when actual length of data received from SAM is less than expected length.
NEGATIVE_LENGTH -The negative length error occurs when actual length is less than zero.
CARD_MEMORY_OVERFLOW -The memory overflow from the smart card.
TX_PARITY_ERROR -The hardware parity error during the transmission of data.
RX_PARITY_ERROR -The hardware parity error during the reception of the data.
RESYNC -Resyncing is required.
SERIAL_LRC_ERR -Serial LRC error
TIME_OUT -The hardware timed out after the waiting time.
TOO_SHORT_APDU -The hardware error due to APDU length is short
VOLTAGE_DROP -Voltage supply dropped.
INVALID_APDU -The APDU command is invalid or wrong
PROC_BYTE_ERR -The Hardware procedure byte error
TEMP_ALARAM -The temperature is out of range.
EMDK_NOT_OPENED -EMDK is not opened.
UNDEFINED -Error code not defined.