SUCCESS -Success
FAILURE -Failure
EMDK_NOT_OPENED -The EMDK is not opened.
NOT_ENABLED -The connection to the Tag is not enabled. Try after enabling the TAG.
AUTHENTICATION_ERROR -The tag is not authenticated or not allowed to peform operations requested.
RW_OPERATIONS_LIMIT_EXCEEDED -The number of read or write operation is exceeded for the current session
INVALID_MAC -Invalid Mac in command or response
INVALID_BLOCK_NUMBER -The block using for the operation is not valid.
BLOCK_NOT_EXISTS -The block using for the operation does not exist on the tag.
NOT_SUPPORTED_COMMAND -The current command not supported for the current card state i.e., the application is trying to perform the operation which is not supported for MifarePlus Security level 3.
ACCESSING_EMPTY_BLOCK -The application is trying to perform operation or access the block on the tag which is empty or null.
ALREADY_ENABLED -The tag is already enabled.
TAG_LOST -Tag lost
TAG_MEMORY_ERROR -The requested operation cannot be performed on the block either due to overflow or underflow of the block memory
INVALID_VALUE -The value or parameter passed is invalid.
INVALID_VALUE_BLOCK -The block used for the increment /decrement/transfer is not a valid value block.
SAM_AUTHENTICATION_ERROR -The application is trying to use the key which is not valid or not present on the SAM.
PARAM_NOT_SUPPORTED -The parameter not supported.
UNDEFINED -Undefined