Name Value Pair Functionality Programmer's Guide

EMDK For Android 2.3


The ProfileManager API exposes a method ( processProfile ) that is used to install and activate a static XML profile located in your projects Assets folder. The API also exposes an overload for processProfile that allows one to submit a String Array containing Name=Value Pairs that can be used to replace Name=Value Pairs in a specified Profile before installing and activating that profile. The following guide explains the use of Name=Value Pair replacement and a utility method to help create Name=Value pairs.

String Array ( extraData )as Name-Value Pair Array

Method Signature

processProfile(String profileName,
               ProfileManager.PROFILE_FLAG profileFlag,
               String[] extraData);


The profileName argument, can be used to specify the entire profile or a named section of XML Profile.

  • To Specify the entire profile, pass the value of the "ProfileName" parm as the profileName argument.
  • To Specify a section of a profile, build and pass a String containing the top level "ProfileName", the featureType of the section, and the emdk_name of the section all separated by forward slashes. [profileName]/[featureType]/[feature Name]

For example, if my profile is called ‘EmdkSampleProfile-1’ and the name I gave to the Clock feature is 'clock1'. Passing 'profileName' as ' EmdkSampleProfile-1/Clock/clock1’ will just process this part of the profile.


Valid FeatureTypes:

  • ActivitySelection
  • Barcode
  • MSR
  • Intent
  • Keystroke
  • IP
  • Clock
  • PowerMgr
  • PersistMgr
  • CertMgr
  • AppMgr
  • AccessMgr
  • Wi-Fi
  • GprsMgr


The profileFlag should be ProfileManager.PROFILE_FLAG.SET.


ExtraData should be an array of Strings. Each string element should be <Feature_Name>.<Param_name>=<param_value> format. For example "bc1.decoder_upce0=true". The Feature_Name can be from multiple features.

Example Usage

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><wap-provisioningdoc>
<characteristic type="ProfileInfo">
<parm name="created_wizard_version" value="3.0.2"/>
<characteristic type="Profile">
<parm name="ProfileName" value="ClockProfile-1"/>
<parm name="ModifiedDate" value="2015-03-16 09:14:43"/>
<characteristic type="Clock" version="4.2">
<parm name="emdk_name" value="Clk01"/>
<parm name="AutoTime" value="false"/>
<parm name="TimeZone" value="GMT+05:30"/>
<parm name="Date" value="2001-01-01"/>
<parm name="Time" value="01:01:01"/>
<characteristic type="Clock" version="4.2">
<parm name="emdk_name" value="Clk02"/>
<parm name="AutoTime" value="false"/>
<parm name="TimeZone" value="GMT+05:30"/>
<parm name="Date" value="2002-02-02"/>
<parm name="Time" value="02:02:02"/>
<characteristic type="Clock" version="4.2">
<parm name="emdk_name" value="Clk03"/>
<parm name="AutoTime" value="false"/>
<parm name="TimeZone" value="GMT+05:30"/>
<parm name="Date" value="2003-03-03"/>
<parm name="Time" value="03:03:03"/>

String[] extraData = new String[2];
extraData[0]        = "Clk01.Date=2014-10-10"
extraData[1]        = "Clk02.Time=10:10:10"
profileName     = ClockProfile-1/Clock/Clk01
EMDKResults result = mProfileManager.processProfile(
ProfileManager.PROFILE_FLAG.SET, extraData);

In above example the profileName is given as ClockProfile-1/Clock/Clk01. The ClockProfile-1 is the profileName in XML. Clock is the feature Type and Clk01 is the feature Name. The feature name also referred as emdk_name.

Name Value Pair Utility Function


CreateNameValuePair is a static function of the ProfileManager class. This function creates a name value pair string according to the format that is compatible with com.symbol.emdk.ProfileManager.processProfile(String, * PROFILE_FLAG, String[]) function.

 * This function creates a name value pair string according to the format 
 * that is compatible with 
 * com.symbol.emdk.ProfileManager.processProfile(String, 
 * PROFILE_FLAG, String[]) function.
 * @param emdk_name - emdk name String  
 * @param param_name - Parameter name String
 * @param param_value - Parameter value String
 * @return - Name value pair string.
String CreateNameValuePair(String emdk_name, String param_name, String param_value)

//This function returns the String in <emdk_name>.<param_name>=<param_value> format.
//For instance, "";