Defines all the extended status codes the library returns.
Example Usage:
NONE -There is no extended status code
PROFILE_NOT_FOUND_IN_CONFIG -Profile name not found in current EMDKConfig.xml.
FEATURE_TYPE_NOT_FOUND_IN_CONFIG -Feature type not found in the profile in current EMDKConfig.xml.
FEATURE_NAME_NOT_FOUND_IN_CONFIG -Feature name not found for the feature in current EMDKConfig.xml.
FEATURE_NAME_NOT_FOUND_IN_EXTRADATA -The feature name not found in extraData.
FEATURE_TYPE_NOT_FOUND_IN_EXTRADATA -The feature type not found in extraData.
PROFILE_NOT_FOUND_IN_EXTRADATA -The profile not found in extraData..
FEATURE_NOT_UNIQUE_IN_CONFIG -Feature and feature name combination is not unique in current EMDKConfig.xml. In order to perform merge operation the feature and feature name combination required to be unique.
FEATURE_NOT_UNIQUE_IN_EXTRADATA -The Feature and Feature name combination is not unique in provided extraData.
DEPENDACY_COMPONENT_FAILURE -Failed to access dependency component.
GENERAL_EXCEPTION_OCCURED -Exception occurred while performing requested operation.
NAMEVALUE_MISSMATCH_IN_CONFIG -One or more names of parameters not found in current EMDKConfig.xml. This is due to the given name value pairs need to be equivalent to specified profile. So the operation cancelled.
NAMEVALUE_MISMATCH_IN_EXTRADATA -One or more names of parameters not found in extraData. This is due to the given name value pairs need to be equivalent to specified feature name.
INVALID_PROFILE_CONFIGURATION -The current EMDKConfig.xml is invalid.
PROFILE_NAME_FORMAT_ERROR -The give profileName format is invalid. The profile name criteria required to be in profileName/feature type/feature Name format. This error occurred if profileName is not in that format.
ACTIVITY_SELECTION_MERGING_NOT_SUPPORTED -The ActivitySelection merging is not supported.
INVALID_VALUE -The parameters given are invalid.
APP_NOT_ALLOWED_TO_SUBMIT_XML -Permission error. Application is not allowed to submit xml.