EMDK For Android 2.3

Supplemental modes

Example Usage:



  • DEFAULT -Default supplemental mode configured on device

  • NO -The scanner is presented with a UPC/EAN plus supplemental symbol, the scanner decodes UPC/EAN and ignores the supplemental characters.

  • ALWAYS -The scanner only decodes UPC/EAN symbols with supplemental characters, and ignores symbols without supplementals.

  • AUTO -The scanner decodes UPC/EAN symbols with supplemental characters immediately . If the symbol does not have a supplemental, the scanner must decode the bar code the number of times set via UPC/EAN Supplemental Redundancy before transmitting its data to confirm that there is no supplemental.

  • SMART -Enables smart supplementals. In this mode the decoder returns the decoded value of the main block right away if it does not belong to one of the following supplemental types: 378, 379, 977, 978, 979, 414, 419, 434 or 439. If the bar code starts with one of the prefixes it searches the image more aggressively for a supplemental. Tries to scan the supplemental if it is present. If the supplemental scanning failed, then the main bar code is returned.

  • S_378_379 -Enables (auto-discriminate) supplemental for UPC/EAN codes starting with 378 or 379. Disables reading of supplementals for any other UPC/EAN bar code not starting with 378 or 379. Tries to scan the supplemental if it is present. If the supplemental scanning failed, then the main bar code is returned.

  • S_978_979 -Enables (auto-discriminate) supplemental for UPC/EAN codes starting with 978 or 979. Disables reading of supplementals for another UPC/EAN bar code not starting with 978 or 979. Tries to scan the supplemental if it is present. If the supplemental scanning failed, then the main bar code is returned.

  • S_414_419_434_439 -Enables (auto-discriminate) supplemental for UPC/EAN codes starting with 414, 419, 434 or 439. Disables reading of supplementals for another UPC/EAN bar code 4 - 16 not starting with 414, 419, 434 or 439. Tries to scan the supplemental if it is present. If the supplemental scanning failed, then the main bar code is returned.

  • S_977 -Enables (auto-discriminate) supplemental for UPC/EAN codes starting with 977. Disables reading of supplementals for another UPC/EAN barcode not starting with 977. Tries to scan the supplemental if it is present. If the supplemental scanning failed, then the main bar code is returned.