This Tutorial provides a walk-through of the steps to perform Pre-Filter configuration using RFID3 API
Create The Project
- Start by creating a new project in Android Studio. For help, see the Android Studio tutorial.
- Refer Hello RFID to prepare basic setup to work with RFID Reader and then follow this guide
Transport connections and disconnections needs to be handled under following call back functions
void RFIDReaderAppeared(ReaderDevice device);
void RFIDReaderDisappeared(ReaderDevice device);
To attach and detach event handlers
Defining and Handling callback handlers
public void RFIDReaderAppeared(ReaderDevice readerDevice) {
// Initiate connection
public void RFIDReaderDisappeared(ReaderDevice readerDevice) {
//disconnect and dispose
NOTE: readerDevice param in the callback function will not be the same readerdevice context that was used by the app to initiate connection. User needs to use the information in the reader device to get the actual readerDevice context in the app and then use that for disconnection. The Disappeared event is reported only when the following conditions occurred:
- Airplane mode on
- Device charging
- Low Battery