FXR90-Mode Tutorial

RFID SDK for Android

Applicable Devices : FXR90.


This Tutorial provides a walk-through of the steps to perform Login using RFID3 API

Create The Project

  • Start by creating a new project in Android Studio. For help, see the Android Studio tutorial.
  • Refer Hello RFID to prepare basic setup to work with RFID Reader and then follow this guide


API configures different operating mode supported by FXR90. FXR90 supports following operating modes

  1. Simple
  2. Inventory
  3. Portal
  4. Conveyor
  5. Custom

Details of this modes can be found here https://zebradevs.github.io/rfid-ziotc-docs/introduction/operating_modes/index.html

Setting Simple Mode


Setting Inventory Mode configurations

By default, Radio reports tags every second which can be configured using setInventoryModeSettings( String unit, int value )

Parameter unit can take following values. 

Setting Portal Mode configurations

Portal mode configures the radio to report all unique tags that pass by each antenna immediately following a GPI event. The GPI event signals the beginning of the read period. As soon as the GPI event triggers the radio, the radio continues to read tags until no new unique tags are read for a configurable stop interval. Once the radio stops reading tags, it waits for the next GPI event to start the process again.

Portal mode settings to configure GPI events can be configured using

setportalModeSettings(int port, String signal, int stopInterval)
  1. Parameter port denotes port number.
  2. Parameter signal can be “HIGH” or “LOW”
  3. Parameter stopInterval is the interval at which to stop reads after the last unique tag is read (seconds).

Closer look

Enumeration for operating mode that is supported is as follows.

	public enum ENUM_OPERATING_MODE {
