All Classes and Interfaces

Operation Code for Operation Sequence
Contains the status of Access Operation execution result
This class represents the filter criteria for Access Operations like read, write, lock, and etc.
This holds the result of different operations performed
This class represents the set of all operations that can be performed on the reader like Inventory and Access operations using various type of filters.
define severity level of the Alarm
Antenna mode setting for SetAntennaMode
This class is used for configure Antenna
This class used for to stop the trigger type of Antenna
Gets the value of antenna stop trigger type
The Class which holds all configuration of the Given Antenna
Not Supported in the Android RFID SDK.
This class represents the Antenna of the reader
This class represents the antenna configuration related to singulation control parameters session, Tag Population and the tag transit time
Contains the attribute parameters and getters/setters of those parameters
Class to represent barcodes created by API
Contains the state parameters of batch mode state and getters of these states.
Contains the parameters for the batch mode event.
Contains the battery parameters and corresponding getters/setters of those parameters.
BatteryStatistics: This class contains the information about statistics of the Battery
Contains the different beeper parameters and getters of those parameters.
This class is used for to perform BlockEraseAccess operation
This class is used for Memory Bank on which Block Permalock operation is to be performed.
This class contains Cable Loss compensation related information
This class is used for to Config Word
Part of Reader capabilities
CommunicationStandardInfo: This class contains given region regulatory related standard information
This class allows to perform reader configuration GPI and GPO not supported in Android RFID SDK
This class contains state of the reader
Class to maintain the strings used for notifications and intent actions
This is an Event that indicates Cradle status
CustomTrustManager: This class contains trust related information
This class contains information about the scanner like id, Name, Model, Auto Re-Connection Reestablishment etc..
Class containing the definition of ENUMS to be used in the app
Bluetooth Protocol to be used in pairing barcode.
Configuration To be used in pairing barcode
Op-codes to be used in dcssdkExecuteCommandOpCodeInXMLForScanner API function available in IDcsSdkApi
These constants are defined to represent communication modes of scanners.
These constants are defined to represent notifications provided by Motorola Bluetooth Scanner Android SDK.
Firmware update event type
Image type of the Image data from scanner
These constants are defined to represent operating modes of Motorola Bluetooth Scanner Android SDK.
These constants are defined to represent result codes that can be returned by SDK API functions.
Created by PNDV47 on 2/16/2018.
DeviceStatus: This class contains status of the Device and Antenna
This class is used for to check Antenna status
DhcpStatus: Shows The status of the Dhcp server
This class contains information about the status of the reader
Event indicating the reason for Disconnection
Part of RF_MODES
Dynamic power optimization
This class is used for to set Endpoint Configuration
This class contains the information about the Bluetooth Mode
This enum is used for to Certificate operation
This class contains the information about the device property
This enum is used for to set Duty Cycle
This enum is used for to do Enum end point operation
This enum is used for to set Enum end point protocol
This enum is used for to set Enum end point QOS
This enum is used for to set Enum end point type
This enum is used for to check host verification
This class contains the information about the Keylayout
This class contains the information about the New Keylayout
This class contains the information about the Operation related to Inventory
This enum is used for to transport service
This class contains the information about the Rfid Mode and Barcode Mode
This class contains the information about the Wifi Command
This class contains the information about the Wifi Protocol
This class contains the information about Wifi State
This class contains the information about the status of the Wifi
This class used for to set environment mode
Contains the different Event actions
This class contains registration/de-registration of events on the reader.
Filter Action for the PreFilter: State Aware, Unaware or Default.
Match Criteria for patterns
This class contains information about the status of the FirmwareUpdate
Class to represent Firmware Update Event generated by API.
Part of RF_MODES
Gets the Frequency hop table and its length
This class contains Frequency Hop table
This class handles the Gen2v2 operations.
Operation Codes for Gen2v2 operations
Gen2v2 operation status messages
Not supported in Android RFID SDK GPI_PORT_STATE: State of a GPI port
This class represents the General Purpose Input (GPI)
GPI-Trigger information.
This class is used for to check GPI signal
Gets the value of GPO state returns 0 for false state and 1 for true state
Represents the General Purpose Output (GPO)
specifies the type trigger that occured.
specifies the type trigger that occured.
Handheld-Trigger information.
Gives the health status values
This class contains the information about the Heartbeat event
This interface contains the information about the notification from Transport
IAPI3Wrapper: This interface contains the information about the error status
Class will be used to manipulate Intelligent Document Capture(IDC) related configuration information
Interface which will be implemented by SDK which will control various operations of the scanner
Interface to be implemented by the app.
This class contains registration/de-registration of events on the reader.
Represents Hand held Trigger Event Data (current state)
Information about the Events
InvalidUsageException is thrown when an invalid usage is detected by the class library.
This class handles Inventory operations.
Inventory-State Parameter for PerformInventory
This class is used for to set IOT configuration info
This class contains information about the Readers
This interface contains the information about the reader device
This class gives the Logger information
This class is used for to check logger info
This class contains information about the LLRP Reader password status
specifies the user LED color on the Reader
This class contains the LED information of the reader such as LED Color, duration and blink flag
This class contains the LED information of the reader such as LED Color, duration and blink flag
LLRPConnection: This class contains the LLRP Connection Configuration required for Server/Client connectivity
This class contains the LLRP Connection Configuration required for Server/Client connectivity
Contains the result of locating operation performed.
Lock-data field Parameter for Lock
Privilege Parameter for Lock
This class contains information about the LockPrivilege for Memory
This class contains the login information of the reader
The four memory banks as supported by Class 1 Gen 2 Specification
Part of RF_MODES
This class contains the information about the locking related thresholds
This class contains the information about the MultitagLocate Operation
Created by CPKG34 on 8/3/2017.
This class contains the information about the configuration of wifi and ethernet
This class contains the information about the status of the Network IP Address
The NXP class comprises of the Access operations meant for NXP tags.
Contains parameters of operation end summary and getters/setters.
This type defines nature of Operation on the specified Antenna
OperationFailureException is thrown when a failure occurs in the class library.
Param_WifiConfig: This class contains the information about the configuration of Wifi
Periodic Trigger Information.
Contains the parameters of power event and getters/setters of those parameters.
This class contains the information about the PowerSourceType
Filter criteria for Inventory.
This class contains methods for uploading or downloading the configuration file
Gets the active profile index and profile names
This class contains the information about the QT Tag
This class contains the information about the QT Tag Write Access
implements a simple queue mechanism.
Radio power state
Event indicating the reason for Reader exception.
Gets the value of mac/epc length
Specifies the Reader ID Type
This class contains the information about the power state of the reader
READER_TYPE: Used in Reader-Management API: Login
This class represents the Reader Capabilities
Contains the paramaters such as name, password, address of the reader device and methods to manage these parameters.
This class contains the reader's information which includes name, description, location and contact
This class encapsulates the Reader Management functionality such as reboot, firmware update.
This class contains the management of Readers as bluetooth device.
Interface to be implemented by fragments to be notified when a new device is discovered via bluetooth
This class represents the Reader statistics
This class contains the functionality related to read point (Antenna).
Read point status
ReadProtectParams: This class contains Access information of the Tag
Purpose: Shows weight reading related information returned by the scale
This class is used for Recommission operation
Contains the paramters of Region Information and methods to manage these parameters
Contains the parameters of Regulatory config and methods to get/set these parameters
Class related to REPORT_TRIGGERS struct/class Not Supported in the Android RFID SDK.
This class is used for set the the Access Password of the tag
Event Type: Parameter for RegisterEventNotification
The interface contains read event and status event handlers to be implemented by the application in order to handle different RFID events generated.
Provides the RFIDReader object.
This class gets the readevent data and set the read event data
Contains the status of function execution result
Sets the statusEvent data
This class contains the information about the status of the Rfid Wifi
This class contains the information about the Rfid Wifi Scan Events
Gets the RFMode table and its size
Gets an entry of RFModeTable, size and protocolID
This class represents the RF Mode table entry
Class contains Attribute names and numbers used.
Get/set the run status
Contains the state parameters of batch mode state and getters of these states.
Class which acts as a gateway to the SDK
Connectivity option
Represents the Tag Seen time.
SERVICE ID specifies the Application/ Component
Session Parameter for PerformInventory
Contains the parameters of set attributes and getters/setters of those parameters
This class is used for set or reset the EAS System Bit
Select-Flag Parameter for PerformInventory
This class helps to perform software updates in the reader
This class contains parameters required for the software update
indicates the Spectral mask characteristics of the mode.
Start Trigger Type Parameter for Inventory and Access Operations
Start Trigger Information.
Action Parameter for PreFilter (C1G2 Select).
Action Parameter for PreFilter (C1G2 Select).
Not Supported in the Android RFID SDK.
Gives the value of status according to different events
Stop Trigger Type Parameter for Inventory and Access operations
Stop Trigger Information.
Contains the supported region list.
This class contains the information related to the reader such as firmware version, FPGA version, reader name, reader location, UP Time, RAM and flash memort available
Gives the system time
TAG_FIELD specifies the fields to be enabled in TAG_DATA.
This class handles all the Tag Access operations.
Represents RFID Tag Data
Gets the tags and the number of tags in tagdata array
Contains the api for performing and stoping tag locationing
Tag Pattern Information for Filtering.
To configure tag storage related settings such as Maximum tag count, maximum size of memory bank and Maximum tag ID length
Target Parameter for PreFilter (C1G2 Select).
indicating whether PA or Ambient
This class contains methods for getting or setting the reader's time zone
Gets the Timezone information and timezone index
TRACE_LEVEL: Trace-level setting for SetTraceLevel
Contains Trigger criterea to be used for an Inventory or Access Sequence operation
Triggers with timeout.
TRUNCATE_ACTION indicates whether only a truncated portion of the tag is to be backscattered by the tag or not.
Unique tag report setting
The 2 ways to set range in g2v2 Untraceable command
3 ways to show tid in g2v2 untraceable command
Represents the software update status
Represents the Uptime.
This class contains the operation related to USB BATCH MODE
USER_APP_LIST: This class contains the information about the UserApp
This class contains methods for user application deployment in the reader
User Application Info
This class represents UTC Time.
This class contains the information about the Util
Gets the Dll version
Class used to to store the wifi profile parameters
This class contains the information about the WifiScan
The interface contains the event handler to be implemented by the application in order to handle the Wifi Scan Data.
This class contains the information about the status of the WifiSecureConfig
This class contains the information about the status of the WPA EVENT
Specific Field of Write operation
WriteAccessParams: This class contains the information about the WriteAccessParams to Memory Bank