Access Lock Tutorial

RFID SDK for Android

Applicable Devices : FXR90, RFD40, RFD90, MC33, RFD8500


This Tutorial provides a walk-through of the steps to perform access Lock operation using RFID3 API

Create The Project

  • Start by creating a new project in Android Studio. For help, see the Android Studio tutorial.
  • Refer Hello RFID to prepare basic setup to work with RFID Reader and then follow this guide


Access Lock API provides user to apply password protected read or write access restrictions to tag memory bank. For a non-zero access password configured tags following lock operations are valid based on the memory bank selected

  EPIC TID User Access Kill
LOCK_PRIVILEGE_READ_WRITE writable only with valid password writable only wth valid password writable only with valid password Readable and writeable only with valid password Readable and writeable only with valid password
LOCK_PRIVILEGE_PERMA_LOCK Not writable Not writable Not Writeable Not readable or writeable Not readable or writable
LOCK_PRIVILEGE_PERMA_UNLOCK Tag can never be configured for restricted read or write access and is always readable and writable Tag can never be configured for restricted read or write access and is always readable and writeable Tag can never be configured for restricted read or write access and is always readable and writeable Tag can never be configured for restricted read or write access and is always readable and writeable Tag can never be configured for restricted read or write access and is always readable and writeable
LOCK_PRIVILEGE_UNLOCK Associate memory bank is writable with both non zero and zero pass word configured Associate memory bank is writable with both non zero and zero pass word configured Associate memory bank is writable with both non zero and zero pass word configured Associate memory bank is writable with both non zero and zero pass word configured Associate memory bank is writable with both non zero and zero pass word configured

Setting it up

The Following are the steps to login the reader

  • Create RFIDReader Object with appropriate params
  • Set Reader password.
  • Set secure connection type.

Creating a RFIDReader Object

// create and initialize the Reader Management object.
    mReader = new RFIDReader(hostName,ZIOTCport, timeoutMilliSeconds, "ZIOTC", "ZIOTC");

Performing operation

											  try {
TagAccess.LockAccessParams lockAccessParams = LockAccessParams();
lockAccessParams.setAccessPassword(Long.parseLong(“1234”, 16));
mReader.Actions.TagAccess.lockWait(tagId, lockAccessParams, antennaInfo)
        } catch (InvalidUsageException e) {
        } catch (OperationFailureException e) {

Closer look