Receiving Batched Barcode Data

RFID SDK for Android

Applicable Devices: Handheld Readers RFD40/RFD90


This Tutorial provides a walk-through of the steps to receive batched barcode data using RFID3 API 

Create The Project

  • Start by creating a new project in Android Studio. For help, see the Android Studio tutorial.
  • Refer Hello RFID to prepare basic setup to work with RFID Reader and then follow this guide


This feature provides user the capability to receive batched Barcode data from the connected reader.
User can enable both RFID and Barcode data batching. In the batching mode user can fetch the batched barcode data using RFID API3 Api call.
Below code snippet shows how a batched barcode data can be received.

Setting it up

 *initBatchRequest(View v) {
    String inXML = "" + scannerID + "";

/* Processing Bar Code Event */
public class BaseActivity extends ActionBarActivity implements IDcsSdkApiDelegate {
 // ... 
@Override public void dcssdkEventBarcode(byte[] barcodeData, int barcodeType,
	int fromScannerID) {
 Barcode barcode = new Barcode(barcodeData,barcodeType,fromScannerID);
// ... 
// Perform other kinds of notifications (i.e. Intents, etc.)
// ...


The Scan Batch Buffer is 16K bytes based on barcode data size. The number of barcode data that can be stored varies.
The RFID batch buffer accomodates up to 40000 unique tags.RFID tags and barcodes are batched on the sled
when bluetooth or USB Batch modes are enabled