This sample app demonstrates how to receive scanned barcode data through an Android intent, configure DataWedge, register for scanner status notifications, and use the software scan trigger via DataWedge Intent APIs.
Available actions in this sample:
- Display the DataWedge version
- Create a profile if it does not exist
- Select/deselect certain decoders for scanning
- Toggle software scan trigger
- Register for scanner status notifications, such as waiting, scanning, etc.
- Display the following for each decoded barcode:
This sample application is only intended for educational purposes, demonstrating the use of DataWedge intent API(s).
APIs Used
- This sample was created based on DataWedge version 7.0 (version that existed at the time of creation). Check DataWedge API documentation for any future version changes that may affect functionality.
- Android API 23 (Marshmallow) or higher.
- DataWedge (built-in all Zebra devices) is running on the device.
Using This Sample
Download, build, and launch the sample app.

View the DataWedge version installed on the device.

Tap Create. “DWDataCapture1” profile is created if it does not exist and associates it with this application.

Select/deselect decoders. All other decoders not specified are set to defaults. Tap Set to save.

Press the hard trigger button or toggle the soft scan trigger button to scan.

View the displayed information:
- Scan decoder
- Scan data

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