Switch Scanner Params

DataWedge 13.0


Introduced in DataWedge 6.5.

Used to pass one or more barcode, scanner and/or reader parameters as intent extras, temporarily updating the settings of the active Profile. This API can be used to change scanner settings in response to changing conditions at any time. For example, a developer might wish to enable scanner illumination whenever a low-light condition is detected.

Note: Settings configured by this API are discarded with the next Profile switch.

Function Prototype

Intent i = new Intent();
i.putExtra("com.symbol.datawedge.api.SWITCH_SCANNER_PARAMS", <bundle>);


ACTION [String]: "com.symbol.datawedge.api.ACTION"

EXTRA_DATA [String]: "com.symbol.datawedge.api.SWITCH_SCANNER_PARAMS"

EXTRA_DATA [bundle]: "<name, value>" - Accepts scanner parameters as name-value pairs

Result Codes

DataWedge returns the following error codes if the app includes the intent extras SEND_RESULT and COMMAND_IDENTIFIER to enable the app to get results using the DataWedge result intent mechanism. See Example, below.

  • DATAWEDGE_DISABLED - DataWedge is disabled
  • PROFILE_DISABLED - Profile is disabled
  • PLUGIN_DISABLED - Scanner plug-in is disabled
  • SCANNER_DISABLED - Scanner is disabled
  • PARAMETER_INVALID - Given scanner parameter is invalid
  • PARAMETER_NOT_SUPPORTED - Given scanner parameter is not supported
  • VALUE_INVALID - Given value for a scanner parameter is invalid
  • VALUE_NOT_SUPPORTED - Given value for a scanner parameter is not supported

Also see the Result Codes guide for more information.

Example Code

For single scanner use, the code below passes an intent that switches a scanner parameter for the active scanner in the active profile. To verify results of the switch (or if errors are expected), include the intent extras SEND_RESULT and COMMAND_IDENTIFIER to get results (also shown).

// create the intent and action
    Intent i = new Intent();

    Bundle bScannerParams = new Bundle();
    bScannerParams.putString("illumination_mode", "off");
    bScannerParams.putString("decode_audio_feedback_uri", "Pollux");

    i.putExtra("com.symbol.datawedge.api.SWITCH_SCANNER_PARAMS", bScannerParams);

// generate result codes
    i.putExtra("COMMAND_IDENTIFIER", "123456789"); //returned as it is with the result

// send the intent

// register the broadcast receiver (for result codes)
    String command = intent.getStringExtra("COMMAND");
    String commandidentifier = intent.getStringExtra("COMMAND_IDENTIFIER");
    String result = intent.getStringExtra("RESULT");

    Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
    String resultInfo = "";

    if (intent.hasExtra("RESULT_INFO")) {
        bundle = intent.getBundleExtra("RESULT_INFO");
        Set<String> keys = bundle.keySet();
            for (String key : keys) {
                    resultInfo += key + ": " + Arrays.toString(bundle.getStringArray(key));
                }else {
                    resultInfo += key + ": " + bundle.getString(key) + "\n";

For multiple scanners, it is required for Switch Scanner Params API to include the specific scanner to be used with intent extra scanner_selection_by_identifier.

Intent i = new Intent();
i.putExtra("scanner_selection_by_identifier", "BLUETOOTH_RS6000");
Bundle bScannerParams = new Bundle();
bScannerParams.putString("illumination_mode", "off");
i.putExtra("com.symbol.datawedge.api.SWITCH_SCANNER_PARAMS", bScannerParams);


Pre-conditions and assumptions:

  • DataWedge and the respective Profile must be enabled
  • Barcode scanning should be enabled in the active Profile
  • If Intent contains an invalid or unsupported scanner parameter or value, result code(s) will be sent


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