This sample demonstrates how to use DataWedge to receive scanned barcode data through an Android intent.
Available actions in this sample:
- Display the following for each decoded barcode:
- scan source
- scan data
- decoder type
This sample application is only intended for educational purposes, demonstrating the use of DataWedge intent API(s). The appearance of sample app screens can vary by sample app version, Android version, and screen size.
APIs Used
DataWedge API |
App Functionality |
None |
None |
- DataWedge (built-in all Zebra devices) is running on the device.
- DataWedge profile created and associated with this sample app. See instructions below.
Using This Sample
Configure DataWedge to output scans via intent:
Launch the DataWedge via Apps > DataWedge.
Select a Profile, e.g. Profile0 which is used for all apps not explicitly assigned a profile.
Confirm the following settings:
- The profile is enabled
- Barcode input is enabled
- Intent output is enabled
Configure the intent output as follows:
- Intent action: com.basicintent1.ACTION (to match value defined in the
- Intent category: (leave blank)
- Intent delivery: Broadcast intent
Figure 1: Profile settings
Using the app:
Download, build, and launch the sample app.
Figure 2: App screen
Scan a barcode. The data fields are populated:
Figure 3: App screen with captured data
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