Australian Postal

API Decoder Name: decoder_australian_postal
API Decoder Values: true, false


API Decoder Name: decoder_aztec
API Decoder Values: true, false

Canadian Postal

API Decoder Name: decoder_canadian_postal
API Decoder Values: true, false

Chinese 2of5

API Decoder Name: decoder_chinese_2of5
API Decoder Values: true, false


API Decoder Name: decoder_codabar
API Decoder Values: true, false

Codabar is also known as NW-7.
Note: For Length1 and Length2, see Decode Lengths section below.

Decoder Param Param Description Param Name Param Value
Length1 Sets the lower limit when decoding a barcode with a specific length range. For example, to decode a barcode containing between 8 and 24 characters, set this value to 8. decoder_codabar_length1 Integer from 0–55
Length2 Sets the upper limit when decoding a barcode with a specific length range. For example, to decode a barcode containing between 8 and 24 characters, set this value to 24. decoder_codabar_length2 Integer from 0–55
Redundancy Sets the reader to read the barcode twice before accepting data. decoder_codabar_redundancy true
Clsi Editing Strips the start and stop characters and inserts a space after the first, fifth, and tenth characters of a 14-character Codabar barcode. Enable this feature if the host system requires this data format. decoder_codabar_clsi_editing true
Notis Editing Strips the start and stop characters from a decoded Codabar barcode. Enable this feature if the host system requires this data format. decoder_codabar_notis_editing true

Code 11

API Decoder Name: decoder_code11
API Decoder Values: true, false

Note: For Length1 and Length2, see Decode Lengths section below.

Decoder Param Param Description Param Name Param Value
Length1 Sets the lower limit when decoding a barcode with a specific length range. For example, to decode a barcode containing between 4 and 12 characters, set this value to 4. decoder_code11_length1 Integer from 0–55
Length2 Sets the upper limit when decoding a barcode with a specific length range. For example, to decode a barcode containing between 4 and 12 characters, set this value to 12. decoder_code11_length2 Integer from 0–55
Redundancy Sets the reader to read the barcode twice before accepting data. decoder_code11_redundancy true
Verify Check Digit Checks the integrity of all Code 11 barcodes to verify that the data complies with the specified check digit algorithm. decoder_code11_verify_check_digit 0 - No Check Digit
1 - 1 Check Digit
2 - 2 Check Digits
Report Check Digit Transmits Code 11 data with the check digit. decoder_code11_report_check_digit true

Code 32

API Decoder Name: decoder_code32
API Decoder Values: true, false

Code 39

API Decoder Name: decoder_code39
API Decoder Values: true, false

Note: For Length1 and Length2, see Decode Lengths section below.

Decoder Param Param Description Param Name Param Value
Length1 Sets the lower limit when decoding a barcode with a specific length range. For example, to decode a barcode containing between 4 and 12 characters, set this value to 4. decoder_code39_length1 Integer from 0–55
Length2 Sets the upper limit when decoding a barcode with a specific length range. For example, to decode a barcode containing between 4 and 12 characters, set this value to 12. decoder_code39_length2 Integer from 0–55
Redundancy Sets the reader to read the barcode twice before accepting data. decoder_code39_redundancy true
Verify Check Digit Checks the integrity of all Code 39 barcodes to verify that the data complies with a specified check digit algorithm. The digital scanner decodes only those Code 39 barcodes that include a modulo 43 check digit. Enable this feature only if the Code 39 barcodes contain a modulo 43 check digit. decoder_code39_verify_check_digit 0 - No check digit
1 - One check digit
2 - Two check digits
Report Check Digit Transmits Code 39 data with the check digit. decoder_code39_report_check_digit true
Full ASCII Enables Code 39 Full ASCII, a variant of Code 39 that pairs characters to encode the full ASCII character set. decoder_code39_full_ascii true
Convert Code39 To Code32 Converts Code 39 barcode to Code 32, a variant of Code 39 used by the Italian pharmaceutical industry. decoder_code39_convert_to_code32 true
Report Code32 Prefix Enables the addition of the prefix character "A" to all Code 32 barcodes. decoder_code39_report_code32_prefix true
Reduced Quiet Zone Enables marginless decode code39_enable_marginless_decode true
Security Level Specifies the decode security for Code 39 barcodes decoder_code39_security_level 0 - Security Level 0
1 - Security Level 1
2 - Security Level 2
3 - Security Level 3

Code 93

API Decoder Name: decoder_code93
API Decoder Values: true, false

Note: For Length1 and Length2, see Decode Lengths section below.

Decoder Param Param Description Param Name Param Value
Length1 Sets the lower limit when decoding a barcode with a specific length range. For example, to decode a barcode containing between 4 and 12 characters, set this value to 4. decoder_code93_length1 Integer from 0–55
Length2 Sets the upper limit when decoding a barcode with a specific length range. For example, to decode a barcode containing between 4 and 12 characters, set this value to 12. decoder_code93_length2 Integer from 0–55
Redundancy Sets the reader to read the barcode twice before accepting data. decoder_code93_redundancy true

Code 128

API Decoder Name: decoder_code128
API Decoder Values: true, false

Note: For Length1 and Length2, see Decode Lengths section below.

Decoder Param Param Description Param Name Param Value
Length1 Sets the lower limit when decoding a barcode with a specific length range. For example, to decode a barcode containing between 4 and 12 characters, set this value to 4. decoder_code128_length1 Integer from 0–55
Length2 Sets the upper limit when decoding a barcode with a specific length range. For example, to decode a barcode containing between 4 and 12 characters, set this value to 12. decoder_code128_length2 Integer from 0–55
Redundancy Sets the reader to read the barcode twice before accepting data. decoder_code128_redundancy true
Enable GS1-128 Sets the GS1-128 subtype. decoder_code128_enable_ean128 true
Enable ISBT128 Sets the ISBT128 subtype. decoder_code128_enable_isbt128 true
Enable Plain Code128 Enables other (non-EAN or ISBT) Code 128 subtypes. decoder_code128_enable_plain true
ISBT128 Concat Mode Select an option for concatenating pairs of ISBT code types -

• Concat Mode Never - Do not concatenate pairs of ISBT codes encountered.
• Concat Mode Always - There must be two ISBT codes in order to decode and perform concatenation. Does not decode single ISBT barcodes.
• Concat Mode Auto - Decodes and concatenates pairs of ISBT codes immediately. If only a single ISBT barcode is present, the device must decode the barcode the number of times set via Redundancy - Code128 before transmitting its data to confirm that there is no additional ISBT barcode.
decoder_code128_isbt128_concat_mode 0 - Concat Mode Never
1 - Concat Mode Always
2 - Concat Mode Auto
Check ISBT Table The ISBT specification includes a table that lists several types of ISBT barcodes that are commonly used in pairs. If ISBT128 Concat Mode is set, enable "Check ISBT Table" to concatenate only those pairs found in this table. Other types of ISBT codes are not concatenated. decoder_code128_check_isbt_table true
Security Level There are four levels of decode security for Code 128 barcodes. As the quality of barcodes decreases, implementing an increased level of security compensates and helps improve decoding success. There is an inverse relationship between scanner aggressiveness and security. Zebra recommends choosing carefully the level of security necessary for any given application -

• Security Level 0 - Allows the scanner to operate in its most aggressive state, while providing sufficient security in decoding most "in-spec" barcodes.
• Security Level 1 - Eliminates most decode failures.
• Security Level 2 - Select this option if Security level 1 fails to eliminate decode failures.
• Security Level 3 - If Security Level 2 is selected and decode failures still occur, select this security level. Be advised, selecting this option is an extreme measure against mis-decoding severely out-of-spec barcodes. Selecting this security level significantly impairs the decoding ability of the scanner. If this level of security is required, try to improve the quality of the barcodes.
decoder_code128_security_level 0 - Security Level 0
1 - Security Level 1
2 - Security Level 2
3 - Security Level 3
Reduced Quiet Zone Enable marginless decode code128_enable_marginless_decode true
Ignore Fnc4 When enabled and a Code 128 barcode has an embedded FNC4 character, it is removed from the data and the following characters are not changed. When the feature is disabled, the FNC4 character is not transmitted but the following character will have 128 added to it. code128_ignore_fnc4 true

Composite AB

API Decoder Name: decoder_composite_ab
API Decoder Values: true, false

Decoder Param Param Description Param Name Param Value
UCC Link Mode Select an option for linking UPC barcodes with a 2D barcode during transmission as if they were one barcode -

• UPC Never Linked - Transmit UPC barcodes regardless of whether a 2D barcode is detected.
• UPC Always Linked - Transmit UPC barcodes and the 2D portion. If 2D is not present, do not transmit the barcode.
• Autodiscriminate UPC Composites - The scanner determines if there is a 2D portion, then transmits the UPC, as well as the 2D portion if present.
decoder_composite_ab_ucc_link_mode 0 - Link Flag Ignored
1 - Always Linked
2 - Auto Discriminate

Composite C

API Decoder Name: decoder_composite_c
API Decoder Values: true, false


API Decoder Name: decoder_datamatrix
API Decoder Values: true, false

Decoder Signature

API Decoder Name: decoder_signature
API Decoder Values: true, false

Decoder Signature, also known as Signature Capture, is a special barcode format that captures an area of a document (such as a signature) as an image. It is marked by two identical bar patterns placed on either side of the capture area. The bar pattern extends the full height of that area, for example:

For help creating a Signature Capture barcode like the one above, refer to the Decoder Signature Guide.

Note: Handling large image data - Since the data size of a single image (which can be 1280 x 800 bytes = 1000 kb) can exceed the size limit of a single intent, DataWedge supports image data delivery via Android FileProvider API. For Decoder Signature type decodes, all image data are delivered using this approach.
     • It is expected that the user application copy the image files from the given URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) as soon as possible since DataWedge only keeps a maximum of 2 sets of decoded images before deleting them to create new images in the internal memory.
     • Refer to the Signature Capture sample application for a code sample on handling image data from an Android client app.

Decoder Param Param Description Param Name Param Value
Format Specify the desired output image format - JPEG, BMP, TIFF. decoder_signature_format 1 - JPG
3 - BMP
4 - TIFF
Width Specify the desired output image width in number of pixels. The aspect ratio of Width to Height must match the aspect ratio of the signature capture barcode to avoid distortion in the captured image. decoder_signature_width Integer from 16-1280
Default = 400
Height Specify the desired output image height in number of pixels. The aspect ratio of Width to Height must match the aspect ratio of the signature capture barcode to avoid distortion in the captured image. decoder_signature_height Integer from 16-800
Default = 400
JPEG Quality An integer value between 5 and 100 with increments of 5, with 100 representing the highest quality image and 5 representing the most optimized for image size. decoder_signature_jpegquality Integer from 5-100 in increments of 5
Default = 65
Bits per pixel Used to select the number of significant bits per pixel (BPP) to use when capturing a signature -

• 1 BPP - For a black and white image.
• 4 BPP - Assigns 1 of 16 levels of grey to each pixel.
• 8 BPP - Assigns 1 of 256 levels of grey to each pixel.
decoder_signature_bpp 0 - 1 BPP (2 levels)
1 - 4 BPP (16 levels)
2 - 8 BPP (256 levels)

Discrete 2of5

API Decoder Name: decoder_d2of5
API Decoder Values: true, false

Note: For Length1 and Length2, see Decode Lengths section below.

Decoder Param Param Description Param Name Param Value
Length1 Sets the lower limit when decoding a barcode with a specific length range. For example, to decode a barcode containing between 4 and 12 characters, set this value to 4. decoder_d2of5_length1 Integer from 0–55
Length2 Sets the upper limit when decoding a barcode with a specific length range. For example, to decode a barcode containing between 4 and 12 characters, set this value to 12. decoder_d2of5_length2 Integer from 0–55
Redundancy Sets the reader to read the barcode twice before accepting data. decoder_d2of5_redundancy true


API Decoder Name: decoder_dotcode
API Decoder Values: true, false

Decoder Param Param Description Param Name Param Value
Inverse To specify the reflectance for decoding DotCode barcodes, set the option -

• Disabled (0) - To decode DotCode barcodes with normal reflectance only.
• Enabled (1) - To decode DotCode barcodes with inverse reflectance only.
• Auto (2) - To decode both normal and inverse reflectance DotCode barcodes (default).
decoder_dotcode_inverse Disabled (0)
Enabled (1)
Auto (2)
Mirror To specify whether mirrored DotCode barcodes are decoded, set an option -

• Disabled (0) - To decode non-mirrored DotCode barcodes only.
• Enabled (1) - To decode mirrored DotCode barcodes only.
• Auto (2) - To decode both mirrored and non-mirrored DotCode barcodes (default).
decoder_dotcode_mirror Disabled (0)
Enabled (1)
Auto (2)
Erasures To increase the decoding speed of Dotcode barcodes. The higher the value, the faster it can decode with a higher risk of misdecodes. decoder_dotcode_eccerasure Integer from 4-20

Dutch Postal

API Decoder Name: decoder_dutch_postal
API Decoder Values: true, false

Decoder Param Param Description Param Name Param Value
Dutch Postal 3S Enables/disables decoding of KIX 3S barcodes of type Dutch Postal. decoder_dutch_postal_3S true
false (default)


API Decoder Name: decoder_ean8
API Decoder Values: true, false


API Decoder Name: decoder_ean13
API Decoder Values: true, false

Finnish Postal 4S

API Decoder Name: decoder_finnish_postal_4s
API Decoder Values: true, false (default)

Grid Matrix

API Decoder Name: decoder_grid_matrix
API Decoder Values: true, false (default)

Decoder Param Param Description Param Name Param Value
Inverse To specify the reflectance for decoding Grid Matrix barcodes, set one of the following options -

• Disabled (0) - To decode Grid Matrix barcodes with normal reflectance only (default).
• Enabled (1) - To decode Grid Matrix barcodes with inverse reflectance only.
• Auto (2) - To decode both normal and inverse reflectance Grid Matrix barcodes.
decoder_grid_matrix_inverse Disabled (0) - default
Enabled (1)
Auto (2)
Mirror To specify whether mirrored Grid Matrix barcodes are decoded, set one of the following options -

• Disabled (0) - To decode non-mirrored Grid Matrix barcodes only (default).
• Enabled (1) - To decode mirrored Grid Matrix barcodes only.
• Auto (2) - To decode both mirrored and non-mirrored Grid Matrix barcodes.
decoder_grid_matrix_mirror Disabled (0) - default
Enabled (1)
Auto (2)

GS1 DataBar

API Decoder Name: decoder_gs1_databar
API Decoder Values: true, false

GS1 DataBar Limited

API Decoder Name: decoder_gs1_databar_lim
API Decoder Values: true, false

GS1 DataBar Expanded

API Decoder Name: decoder_gs1_databar_exp
API Decoder Values: true, false

GS1 DataMatrix

API Decoder Name: decoder_gs1_datamatrix
API Decoder Values: true, false

The following table depicts the decode behavior between Datamatrix and GS1 Datamatrix:

GS1 Datamatrix
Regular Datamatrix Barcode
GS1 Datamatrix Barcode
Can Decode Type Can Decode Type
Disabled Enabled No [none] Yes LABEL-TYPE-GS1-DATAMATRIX
Disabled Disabled No [none] No [none]
Notes: * The blue shaded row indicates a successful decode for label types reported as Datamatrix although GS1 Datamatrix is disabled.

GS1 QR Code

API Decoder Name: decoder_gs1_qrcode
API Decoder Values: true, false

The following table depicts the decode behavior between QR Code and GS1 QR Code:

QR Code
GS1 QR Code
Regular QR Code Barcode
GS1 QR Code Barcode
Can Decode Type Can Decode Type
Disabled Enabled No [none] Yes LABEL-TYPE-GS1-QRCODE
Disabled Disabled No [none] No [none]
Notes: * The blue shaded row indicates a successful decode for label types reported as QR Code although GS1 QR Code is disabled.

Han Xin

API Decoder Name: decoder_hanxin
API Decoder Values: true, false

Decoder Param Param Description Param Name Param Value
HAN XIN Inverse Checks the inverse of the HanXin decoder. decoder_hanxin_inverse 0 - Disable
1 - Enable
2 - Auto

Interleaved 2 of 5

API Decoder Name: decoder_i2of5
API Decoder Values: true, false

Note: For Length1 and Length2, see Decode Lengths section below, with the exception of ET51/ET55 devices in which Length1 and Length2 must be set to discrete values.

Decoder Param Param Description Param Name Param Value
Length1 Sets the lower limit when decoding a barcode with a specific length range. For example, to decode a barcode containing between 4 and 12 characters, set this value to 4. decoder_i2of5_length1 Integer from 0–55
Length2 Sets the upper limit when decoding a barcode with a specific length range. For example, to decode a barcode containing between 4 and 12 characters, set this value to 12. decoder_i2of5_length2 Integer from 0–55
Redundancy Sets the reader to read the barcode twice before accepting data. decoder_i2of5_redundancy true
Report Check Digit Transmits Interleaved 2 of 5 data with the check digit when enabled. decoder_code11_report_check_digit true
Convert to EAN13 Converts 14-character Interleaved 2 of 5 barcodes to EAN-13 and transmits as EAN-13. The Interleaved 2 of 5 barcode must be enabled and must have a leading zero and a valid EAN-13 check digit. decoder_itf14_convert_to_ean13 true
Reduced Quiet Zone Enable marginless decode i20f5_enable_marginless_decode true
Febraban When enabled, inserts special check characters into the transmitted data stream of Interleaved 2 of 5 barcodes that are of length 14 characters and meet specific Febraban criteria. decoder_i2of5_enable_febraban true
Check Digit Checks the integrity of all I2of5 barcodes to verify that the data complies with either the specified Uniform Symbology Specification (USS) or the Optical Product Code Council (OPCC) check digit algorithm. decoder_i2of5_check_digit true
Security Level The scanner offers four levels of decode security for I2of5 barcodes. As the quality of barcodes decreases, implementing an increased level of security compensates and helps improve decoding success. There is an inverse relationship between scanner aggressiveness and security. Zebra recommends to carefully choose the level of security necessary for any given application. decoder_i2of5_security_level 0 - Security Level 0
1 - Security Level 1
2 - Security Level 2
3 - Security Level 3

Japanese Postal

API Decoder Name: decoder_japanese_postal
API Decoder Values: true, false

Korean 3 of 5

API Decoder Name: decoder_korean_3of5
API Decoder Values: true, false


API Decoder Name: decoder_mailmark
API Decoder Values: true, false

Matrix 2 of 5

API Decoder Name: decoder_matrix_2of5
API Decoder Values: true, false

Note: For Length1 and Length2, see Decode Lengths section below.

Decoder Param Param Description Param Name Param Value
Length1 Sets the lower limit when decoding a barcode with a specific length range. For example, to decode a barcode containing between 4 and 12 characters, set this value to 4. decoder_matrix_2of5_length1 Integer from 0–55
Length2 Sets the upper limit when decoding a barcode with a specific length range. For example, to decode a barcode containing between 4 and 12 characters, set this value to 12. decoder_matrix_2of5_length2 Integer from 0–55
Redundancy Sets the reader to read the barcode twice before accepting data. decoder_matrix_2of5_redundancy true
Report Check Digit When enabled, transmits Matrix 2 of 5 data with the check digit. decoder_matrix_2of5_report_check_digit true
Verify Check Digit Checks the integrity of all Matrix 2 of 5 barcodes to verify that the data complies with a specified check digit algorithm. decoder_matrix_2of5_verify_check_digit true


API Decoder Name: decoder_maxicode
API Decoder Values: true, false


API Decoder Name: decoder_micr_e13b
API Decoder Values: true, false


API Decoder Name: decoder_micropdf
API Decoder Values: true, false


API Decoder Name: decoder_microqr
API Decoder Values: true, false


API Decoder Name: decoder_msi
API Decoder Values: true, false

Note: For Length1 and Length2, see Decode Lengths section below.

Decoder Param Param Description Param Name Param Value
Length1 Sets the lower limit when decoding a barcode with a specific length range. For example, to decode a barcode containing between 4 and 12 characters, set this value to 4. decoder_msi_length1 Integer from 0–55
Length2 Sets the upper limit when decoding a barcode with a specific length range. For example, to decode a barcode containing between 4 and 12 characters, set this value to 12. decoder_msi_length2 Integer from 0–55
Redundancy Sets the reader to read the barcode twice before accepting data. decoder_msi_redundancy true
Check Digit With MSI barcodes, one check digit is required and is always verified by the reader. The second check digit is optional. decoder_msi_check_digit 0 - 1 Check Digit
1 - 2 Check Digits
Check Digit Scheme Two algorithms are possible for the verification of the second MSI check digit. Select the algorithm used to encode the check digit. decoder_msi_check_digit_scheme Mod-11-10 - First check digit is MOD 11; the second check digit is MOD 10.

Mod-10-10 - Both check digits are MOD 10.
Report Check Digit When enabled, transmits MSI data with the check digit. decoder_msi_report_check_digit true


API Decoder Name: decoder_ocr_a
API Decoder Values: true, false

OCR A is typically used for financial documents.

Decoder Param Param Description Param Name Param Value
OCR A Variant Font variants supported :

• Full ASCII :

• Reserved 1 :

• Reserved 2 :

• Banking :
ocr_a_variant FULL_ASCII (0) (default)


API Decoder Name: decoder_ocr_b
API Decoder Values: true, false

OCR B is typically used for government issued documents, such as financial and travel documents, like driver licenses and passports.

Decoder Param Param Description Param Name Param Value
OCR B Variant Font variants supported :

• Full ASCII :

• Banking :

• Limited :

• ISBN 10-Digit Book Numbers :

• ISBN 10 or 13-Digit Book Numbers :

• Travel Document Version 1 (TD1) 3-Line ID Cards :

• Travel Document Version 2 (TD2) 2-Line ID Cards :

• Travel Document 2 or 3-Line ID Cards Auto-Detect :

• Passport :

• Visa Type A :

• Visa Type B :

• ICAO Travel Documents :
This allows reading either TD1, TD2, Passport, Visa Type A, or Visa Type B without switching between these options. It automatically recognizes the travel document read.
ocr_b_variant FULL_ASCII (0) (default)


API Decoder Name: decoder_pdf417
API Decoder Values: true, false

QR Code

API Decoder Name: decoder_qrcode
API Decoder Values: true, false

TLC 39

API Decoder Name: decoder_tlc39
API Decoder Values: true, false


API Decoder Name: decoder_trioptic39
API Decoder Values: true, false

Decoder Param Param Description Param Name Param Value
Redundancy Sets the reader to read the barcode twice before accepting data. decoder_trioptic39_redundancy true

UK Postal

API Decoder Name: decoder_uk_postal
API Decoder Values: true, false

Decoder Param Param Description Param Name Param Value
Report Check Digit The check digit is the last character of the barcode used to verify the integrity of the data. Configure the scanner whether to transmit data with or without the check digit. decoder_uk_postal_report_check_digit true

US Currency

API Decoder Name: decoder_us_currency
API Decoder Values: true, false


API Decoder Name: decoder_usplanet
API Decoder Values: true, false

Decoder Param Param Description Param Name Param Value
Report Check Digit When enabled, transmits USPlanet data with the check digit. decoder_usplanet_report_check_digit true

US Postal

API Decoder Name: decoder_us_postal
API Decoder Values: true, false


API Decoder Name: decoder_uspostnet
API Decoder Values: true, false

Decoder Param Param Description Param Name Param Value
Report Check Digit The check digit is the last character of the barcode used to verify the integrity of the data. Configure the scanner to transmit data with or without the check digit. decoder_uspostnet_report_check_digit true


API Decoder Name: decoder_upca
API Decoder Values: true, false

Decoder Param Param Description Param Name Param Value
Report Check Digit The check digit is the last character of the barcode used to verify the integrity of the data. Configure the scanner whether to transmit data with or without the check digit. decoder_upca_report_check_digit true
Preamble Preamble characters are part of the UPC barcode, and include Country Code and System Character. There are three options for transmitting a UPC-A preamble to the host device. Select the appropriate option to match the host system -

• Preamble None - Transmit no preamble.
• Preamble Sys Char - Transmit System Character only.
• Preamble Country and Sys Char - Transmit System Character and Country Code ("0" for USA).
decoder_upca_preamble 0 - Preamble None
1 - Preamble Sys Char
2 - Preamble Country and Sys Char


API Decoder Name: decoder_upce0
API Decoder Values: true, false

Decoder Param Param Description Param Name Param Value
Report Check Digit Enable/disable check digit, the last character of the barcode used to verify the integrity of the data. decoder_upce0_report_check_digit true
Convert UPCE0 To UPCA Enable this to convert UPC-E (zero suppressed) decoded data to UPC-A format before transmission. After conversion, the data follows UPC-A format and is affected by UPC-A programming selections (e.g., Preamble, Check Digit). Disable this option to transmit UPCE0 decoded data as UPCE0 data without conversion. decoder_upce0_convert_to_upca true
Preamble Preamble characters are part of the UPC barcode consisting of Country Code and System Character. There are three options for transmitting a UPCE0 preamble. Select the appropriate option to match the host system -

• Preamble None - Transmit no preamble.
• Preamble Sys Char - Transmit System Character only.
• Preamble Country and Sys Char - Transmit System Character and Country Code ("0" for USA).
decoder_upce1_preamble 0 - Preamble None
1 - Preamble Sys Char
2 - Preamble Country and Sys Char


API Decoder Name: decoder_upce1
API Decoder Values: true, false

Report Check Digit Enable/disable check digit, the last character of the barcode used to verify the integrity of the data. decoder_upce1_report_check_digit true
Preamble Preamble characters are part of the UPC barcode consisting of Country Code and System Character. There are three options for transmitting a UPCE0 preamble. Select the appropriate option to match the host system -

• Preamble None - Transmit no preamble.
• Preamble Sys Char - Transmit System Character only.
• Preamble Country and Sys Char - Transmit System Character and Country Code ("0" for USA).
decoder_upce1_preamble 0 - Preamble None
1 - Preamble Sys Char
2 - Preamble Country and Sys Char
Convert UPCE1 To UPCA Enable this to convert UPCE1 decoded data to UPC-A format before transmission. After conversion, the data follows UPC-A format and is affected by UPC-A programming selections. Disable this to transmit UPCE1 decoded data as UPCE1 data without conversion. decoder_upce1_convert_to_upca true


API Decoder Name: decoder_us4state
API Decoder Values: true, false

US4state FICS

API Decoder Name: decoder_us4state_fics
API Decoder Values: true, false

Decode Lengths (for reference)

The allowable decode lengths are specified by Length1 and Length2 as follows:

     • Variable length - Decode barcodes containing any number of characters:
          ◦ Set both Length1 and Length2 to "0" (zero)
     • Range - Decode a barcode with a specific length range from a-b:
          ◦ Set Length1 to "a" (the lower bound) and set Length2 to "b" (the upper bound)
     • Two Discrete Lengths - Decode only barcodes containing either of two specific lengths:
          ◦ Set Length2 as the shorter length and Length1 as the longer one
     • One Discrete Length - Decode only barcodes containing a specific length:
          ◦ Set both Length1 and Length2 to the desired (non-zero) length

See Also (for reference)

     • Barcode Input
     • SetConfig API