RxLogger Settings

RxLogger 5.4


RxLogger settings are configured through the RxLogger user interface or by pushing a configuration file to the device. All settings are stored in a single .json file that can be exported and mass-deployed to devices across an enterprise.

Settings Data Types

  • Integer - used to store numerical data such as the number of files to store. Allowable integers range from 0 - 2,147,483,647 (max int). For fields such as file size that do not allow a value of 0, a 1 is substituted at runtime. For integer fields, the UI accepts only numerical input.
  • String - used to store text such as file names and storage paths. The UI accepts any alphanumeric input and symbols as permitted by the file system.
  • Boolean - used to store true/false information such as to enable/disable a module; represented in the UI as a checkbox.
  • List - used to select one value from a list of pre-assigned values; represented in the UI as a group of radio buttons.

Settings GUI

To configure Settings through the GUI:

  1. Tap the Settings button to display a list of configurable modules currently loaded by diagdaemon:
  2. Tap the module to be edited to display a list of its parameters:
  3. Edit settings as required. Tap the BACK key when done.
  4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 until all modules are edited as desired.
  5. On the modules listing screen, tap "SAVE" to preserve all changes.

    See the Modules page for settings information.

Settings File

All RxLogger settings are stored in a file on the device, permitting remote configuration and mass deployment of settings files using an enterprise mobile management (EMM) system. Warning: The RxLogger configuration file is human-readable, but should not be edited by hand as doing so can lead to unpredictable behavior. Zebra recommends modifying RxLogger settings only through the RxLogger UI.

  • File name - config.json
  • Location - /<internal_storage>/RxLogger
  • With external SD Card: /storage/sdcard1/RxLogger
  • With no external SD Card: /storage/sdcard0/RxLogger When a new settings file is pushed to the device, RxLogger restarts all affected modules and applies the new settings immediately.

Important: Zebra recommends modifying RxLogger settings only through the RxLogger UI.