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offDuration - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.personalshopper.CradleLedFlashInfo
Cradle LED off time in milliseconds.This is in mSecs and the range is from 0 mSec (minimum) to 65535 mSec (maximum) seconds.
offTime - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.notification.Notification.LEDParams
The number of milliseconds for the LED to be OFF while it's flashing.
onClosed() - Method in interface com.symbol.emdk.EMDKManager.EMDKListener
Called to notify the client that this EMDKManager object has been abruptly closed.
onConnectionChange(ScannerInfo, BarcodeManager.ConnectionState) - Method in interface com.symbol.emdk.barcode.BarcodeManager.ScannerConnectionListener
Called to notify the client when the scanner device has been connected or disconnected to the mobile device.
onConnectionChange(DeviceInfo, PaymentManager.ConnectionState) - Method in interface com.symbol.emdk.payment.PaymentManager.PaymentConnectionListener
Called to notify the client when the payment device has been connected or disconnected to the mobile device with the device information such as Mac address and device name.
onData(ScanDataCollection) - Method in interface com.symbol.emdk.barcode.Scanner.DataListener
This is the callback method upon data availability.
onData(PaymentData) - Method in interface com.symbol.emdk.payment.PaymentDevice.DataListener
This is the callback method upon data or status notification.
onData(ProfileManager.ResultData) - Method in interface com.symbol.emdk.ProfileManager.DataListener
This is the callback method to be called upon the processProfileAsync task completion.
onData(SimulScanData) - Method in interface com.symbol.emdk.simulscan.SimulScanReader.DataListerner
This is the callback method upon data availability.
onDuration - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.personalshopper.CradleLedFlashInfo
Cradle LED on time in milliseconds.This is in mSecs and the range is from 0 mSec (minimum) to 65535 mSec (maximum) seconds.
oneDQuietZoneLevel - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.barcode.ScannerConfig.ReaderParams.ReaderSpecific.CameraSpecific
This parameter sets the effort at which the decoder will attempt to decode margin-less barcodes.
oneDQuietZoneLevel - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.barcode.ScannerConfig.ReaderParams.ReaderSpecific.ImagerSpecific
This parameter sets the effort at which the decoder will attempt to decode margin-less barcodes.
oneDQuietZoneLevel - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.barcode.ScannerConfig.ReaderParams.ReaderSpecific.LaserSpecific
This parameter sets the effort at which the decoder will attempt to decode margin-less barcodes.
onOpened(EMDKManager) - Method in interface com.symbol.emdk.EMDKManager.EMDKListener
Called to notify the client when the EMDKManager object has been opened and its ready to use.
onStatus(StatusData) - Method in interface com.symbol.emdk.barcode.Scanner.StatusListener
This is the callback method upon scan status event occurs.
onStatus(EMDKManager.StatusData, EMDKBase) - Method in interface com.symbol.emdk.EMDKManager.StatusListener
Called to notify the client when the feature manager object is available and its state to use.
onStatus(StatusData) - Method in interface com.symbol.emdk.scanandpair.ScanAndPairManager.StatusListener
This is the callback method upon scan and pair or unpair status event occurs.
onStatus(SimulScanStatusData) - Method in interface com.symbol.emdk.simulscan.SimulScanReader.StatusListerner
This is the callback method upon scan status event occurs.
onTime - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.notification.Notification.LEDParams
The number of milliseconds for the LED to be ON while it's flashing.
output_enabled - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.ProfileConfig.DataCapture.DataDelivery.Intent
Gets and Sets intent ENABLED_STATE configuration enum ProfileConfig.ENABLED_STATE.
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