
EMDK For Android 5.0

This class holds the API status and battery level.

Public Methods


public int getValue()

Returns the battery level retrieved by the battery related API. "-1" will be returned in case of failure to get the battery level. The battery value/level returned by PD40-100 device refers to: 0 - Low power and battery level is almost 0%. The commands can't be executed with the level, charge the payment device. 1 - The battery icon display 1 grid. The battery level in percentage between 1-25. 2 - The battery icon display 1 grid. The battery level in percentage between 25-50. 3 - The battery icon display 1 grid. The battery level in percentage between 50-75. 4 - The battery icon display 1 grid. The battery level in percentage between 75-100. 5 - The battery is charging state, the indicating lamp is red. 6 - The battery is fully charged (100%), the indicating lamp is green.

